[Bind] I | Bok | 623.44 Hew Hewitt, John / - Oxford and London : John Henry and James Parker, 1855. [Bok]. - 387 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Hewitt, John | 1855 |
Abhandlung über die Feuer- und Seitengewehre | Bok | 623.44 Ber Beroaldo-Bianchini, Natalis von / - Graz, 1971. [Bok]. - Bd. 1-2 - Språk: Tysk | Beroaldo-Bianchini, Natalis von | 1971 |
Ancient armour and weapons in Europe : from the iron period of the northern nations to the end of the seventeenth century. With illustrations from contemporary monuments | Bok | 623.44 Hew Hewitt, John / - Oxford and London : John Henry and James Parker, 1855-1860. [Bok]. - Bd. 1-3 - Språk: Engelsk | Hewitt, John | 1855-1860 |
Antique Arms and Armour | Bok | 623.44 W Wilkinson, Frederick / - London : Ward Lock Ltd., 1972. [Bok]. - 192 s. | Wilkinson, Frederick | 1972 |
Armour and Weapons in the Middle Ages | Bok | 623.44 Ash Ashdown, Charles H. / - London : George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1925. [Bok]. - 220 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Ashdown, Charles H. | 1925 |
Arms and Armour : Pleasures and Treasures | Bok | 623.44 N Norman, Vesey / - London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1964. [Bok]. - 128 s. | Norman, Vesey | 1964 |
Arms and Armour Annual : Volume I: Thirty outstanding articles on weaponry by leading arms and armor historians of the world | Bok | 623.44 Hel Held, Robert / - Northfield, Ill, USA : Digest Books, Inc., 1973. [Bok]. - 323 (Arms and Armor Annual) - Språk: Engelsk | Held, Robert | 1973 |
Arms of the World - 1911 : The Fabulous ALFA Catalogue of Arms and the Outdoors | Bok | 623.44 Arm Chicago : Follett Publishing Co., 1972. [Bok]. - 701 s. - Språk: Engelsk | | 1972 |
Bjerknes-Børsa | Bok | 623.44 L Lofthus, Arne O. / I: Lågdalmuseet Årbok. - 1978. [Bok] - Språk: Norsk (bokmål) | Lofthus, Arne O. | 1978 |
Bulletin - American Society of Arms Collectors | Tidsskrift | T Bul [Dallas, Tex.] : American Society of Arms Collectors. [Tidsskrift] - Språk: Engelsk. Biblioteket har: 1955- | | |