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Tittel Ascending
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Aircraft Museums and Collections of the World. Vol. 1: Asia. Vol. 2: Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 3: Benelux, Germany and the Nordic Countries. Vol. 4: Austria, France, Spain, Portugal, Switzerland.Bok629.1(074) Ogd
Ogden, Bob / - Manchester : Printcraft Graphics Ltd., u.å.. [Bok]. - B.1: 64 s.,b.2: 128 s.,b.3: 144 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Ogden, Bobu.å.
Hvis flymuseet flyttes: vil ta tilbake fly-klenodiumArtikkelT
Jørgensen, Asbjørn / I: Forsvarets Forum. . - nr.5,s.11 - 1992. [Artikkel]. - S. - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
Jørgensen, Asbjørn1992
Spirit of Britain first : British areal Museum : restoring & flying the Bristol Blenheim : the Aircraft Restoration companyArtikkelT
Kighly, James / I: Warbirds Worldwide. . - March 1994 - 1994. [Artikkel]. - s.28-34 - Språk: Engelsk
Kighly, James1994
Wings of history : the Air Museums of EuropeBok629.1(074) Div
Divone, Louis / - Oakton : Oakton Hills publications, 1989. [Bok]. - 299 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Divone, Louis1989