Ancient Catapults : Surviving Greek and Roman texts reveal the remarkable level of mathematical and engineering skill that went into the development of these early ballistic-missile launchers | Bok | 623.444.1 S Boks Soedel, Wener / - New York, 1979. [Bok]. - 8 s. - Språk: Norsk (bokmål) | Soedel, Wener | 1979 |
The Crossbow : mediaeval and modern military and sporting : its construction, history and management : with a treatise on the balista and catapult of the ancients : and an appendix on the catapult, balista and the turkish bow | Bok | 623.441 Pay Payne-Gallwey, Ralph / - London : The Holland Press, 1995. [Bok]. - [374 s.] - Språk: Engelsk | Payne-Gallwey, Ralph | 1995 |
Griechisch-römische Geschütze | Småtrykk | 623.441 Sch Schramm, E. / - Metz, 1910. [Småtrykk]. - 37 s. - Språk: Tysk | Schramm, E. | 1910 |
Lademanns våbenleksikon | Bok | 623.403 Lad København : Lademann, 1991. [Bok]. - 2 bind - Språk: Dansk | | 1991 |
L'arco la balestra e le macchine belliche | Bok | 623.441 Gio Giorgetti, G. / - Milano, 1964. [Bok]. - 144 s. - Språk: Italiensk | Giorgetti, G. | 1964 |
One hundred great guns : an illustrated history of firearms | Bok | 623.4 Lin Lindsay, Merril / - London : Blandford Press, 1968. [Bok]. - 379 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Lindsay, Merril | 1968 |