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A pictorial history of the United States Army in war and peace, from of the United States Army in war and peace, from colonial times to VietnamBok355.31(73) Gur
Gurney, Gene / - New York : Crown Publishers, 1966. [Bok]. - 815 p. - Språk: Engelsk
Gurney, Gene1966
A sad and terrible blunder.Bok973.8 D
Darling, Roger / - Virginia, USA : Potomac-Western Press, 1990. [Bok]. - 295 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Darling, Roger1990
Affairs in Cuba 1898Bok973.895 Aff
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1898. [Bok]. - 2 bind - Språk: Engelsk
American military historyBok973 Ame
Washington, 1970. [Bok]. - XVI, 701 s. (Army historical series) - Språk: Engelsk
British Artillery : An Introduction to British Artillery in North AmericaBok623.42(42) Goo Boks
Gooding, S. James / - Ottawa, Ontario : Museum Restoration Service, 1965. [Bok]. - 54 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Gooding, S. James1965
Den spansk-amerikanske krig : [Samlet ved marinens generalstab]. Separattrykk af "Norsk Tidsskrift for Søvæsen)Bok359.4 Spa
[Bok]. - 98 s. - Språk: nor
From midshipman to rear-admiralBok359.0092 Fis
Fiske, Bradley A. / - New York : The Century, 1919. [Bok]. - 694 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Fiske, Bradley A.1919
Harry S. TrumanBok921 T
Truman, Margaret / - N.Y. : W.Morrow, 1973. [Bok]. - 602 s.
Truman, Margaret1973
A history of naval tactics from 1530 to 1930 : The evolution of tactical maximsBok359.42 Rob
Robison, S. S / - Annapolis, Md : The U.S. Naval Institute, 1942. [Bok]. - xxiii, 956 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Robison, S. S1942
Die Invasion der Be-Freier : die GI's in Europa 1942-1947Bok943.087 Hil
Hillel, Marc / - Hamburg : Ernst Kabel Verlag, c1983. [Bok]. - 251 s. - Språk: Tysk
Hillel, Marcc1983
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