Tittel: | The universal heritage of arms and military history - challenges and choices in a changing world : The universal heritage of arms and military history - challenges and choices in a changing world |
Ansvar: | [Heeresgeschichtliches Museum ... ICOM. Raimund Schittenhelm] |
Forfatter: | [Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, Wien] |
Materialtype: | Bok |
Signatur: | 069.5 Hee |
Utgitt: | Wien : Heeresgeschichtliches Museum, 2007 |
Omfang: | 239 s. - ill. |
ISBN/ISSN: | 978-3-902551-07-8 |
Klassenummer: | 069.5 |
Emneord: | Militærmuseer / Museer / Museumsutstillinger |
Eier: | FORSVMUS |
Eksemplar: | 1. (1 tilgjengelige) |