(The) Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, | Bok | 7-C-2-H Editor / - New York : The Century. [Bok]. - 1884-1908 (Periodika,USA) - Språk: Engelsk | Editor | |
(The) Nautical Gazette, : Design,Construction,Operation and Maintenance of Ships, | Bok | 9-B-2-C The Editor / - Pennsylvania. [Bok]. - Årg 1943,komplett (Periodika,USA) - Språk: Engelsk | The Editor | |
(The) United States Army and Navy Journal, : Gazette of the Regular and Volunteer Forces, | Bok | 9-B-3-F Editor / - New York : Publication Office. [Bok]. - 1867-70,1873-74 (Periodika,USA) - Språk: Engelsk | Editor | |
Harper's New Monthly Magazine, : Harper's Magazine, | Bok | 7-D-3-D Harper & Bros / - New York : Harper's. [Bok]. - 1880-1917 (Periodika,USA) - Språk: Engelsk | Harper & Bros | |
Naval History, | Bok | 9-B-3-C The Editor / - USA. [Bok]. - 88-89,90-95 (Periodika,USA) - Språk: Engelsk | The Editor | |
Naval Review, | Bok | 7-F-4-B United States Naval Institute / - Annapolis,Maryland : USNI. [Bok]. - 1962-85 (Periodika,USA) - Språk: Engelsk | United States Naval Institute | |
Scientific American, | Bok | 9-B-1-E Editor / - New York. [Bok]. - Se generell note (Periodika,USA) - Språk: Engelsk | Editor | |