Norge under okkupasjonen, : Rettslige utredninger 1940-1943, | Bok | 341.1 Cas Castberg, Frede / - Oslo, : J.W.Cappelens forlag,, 1945. [Bok]. - 217 s. - Språk: Norsk (bokmål) | Castberg, Frede | 1945 |
Oversikt over internasjonale organisasjoner | Bok | 341.1 Ørv Tilvekst Ørvik, Nils / - Oslo : Gyldendal, 1957. [Bok]. - 84 s. - Språk: n | Ørvik, Nils | 1957 |
Supplement to the American Journal of International Law, : Volume 23,Special Number April 1929,Draft Conventions and Comments of Nationality etc. | Bok | 341.1 Washington : American Soscity of International Law, 1929. [Bok]. - 399 s. - Språk: Engelsk | | 1929 |
The International Law Association, : Report of the 33 Conference in Stockholm1924, | Bok | 341.1 International Law Association / - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1924. [Bok]. - 716 s. - Språk: Engelsk | International Law Association | 1924 |
The International Law Association, : Report of the 35 Conference in Warsaw1928, | Bok | 341.1 International Law Association / - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1929. [Bok]. - 487 s. - Språk: Engelsk | International Law Association | 1929 |
The International Law Association, : Report of the 36.Conference in New York1930, | Bok | 341.1 International Law Association / - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1931. [Bok]. - 626 s. - Språk: Engelsk | International Law Association | 1931 |
The International Law Association, : Report of the 37.Conference in Oxford1932, | Bok | 341.1 International Law Association / - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1933. [Bok]. - 483 s. - Språk: Engelsk | International Law Association | 1933 |
The International Law Association, : Report of the 38.Conference in Budapest1932, | Bok | 341.1 International Law Association / - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1935. [Bok]. - 356 s. - Språk: Engelsk | International Law Association | 1935 |
The International Law Association, : Report of the 39.Conference in Paris1936, | Bok | 341.1 International Law Association / - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1937. [Bok]. - 343 s. - Språk: Engelsk | International Law Association | 1937 |
The International Law Association, : Report of the 40.Conference in Amsterdam1938, | Bok | 341.1 International Law Association / - London : Sweet & Maxwell, 1939. [Bok]. - 316 s. - Språk: Engelsk | International Law Association | 1939 |