Elements of Defence Economics, | Bok | 355.0973 Hitch, Charles J / - Washington : Ind Coll Armed Forces, 1974. [Bok]. - 167 s (Gave Adm Thomesen) - Språk: Engelsk | Hitch, Charles J | 1974 |
The United States Army, | Bok | 355.0973 The United States Naval War College / - Newport : Eget, 1968. [Bok]. - 109 s (Foredragsserie,USNWC) - Språk: Engelsk | The United States Naval War College | 1968 |
United States Army in World War II,Special Studies,Rearming the French, | Bok | 355.0973 Vigneras, Marcel. / - Washington, : Off.of the Chief of Mil.History,, 1957. [Bok]. - 444 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Vigneras, Marcel. | 1957 |