Bauwissenschaftliche Anwendungen der Differentialrechnung,Lehrbuch und Aufgabensammlung,Theil III, | Bok | 624.17 Fuhrmann, Arwed. / - Berlin, : Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn,, 1899. [Bok]. - 348 s. - Språk: Tysk | Fuhrmann, Arwed. | 1899 |
Engineering Construction in Iron,Steel and Timber, | Bok | 624.17 Warren, William Henry. / - London, : Longmans,Green & Co., 1894. [Bok]. - 366 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Warren, William Henry. | 1894 |
Stability and Equilibrium of Floating Bodies, | Bok | 624.17 Laws, Bernard C. / - London, : Constable & Co.Ltd., 1914. [Bok]. - 251 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Laws, Bernard C. | 1914 |