Im Auftrage Sr.Majestät des Königs von Preussen mit dem Englischen Expeditionscorps in Abessinien, | Bok | 916.304 Rohlfs, Gerhard / - Bremen, : Hinricus Fischer,Verlag,, 1882. [Bok]. - 182 s. - Språk: Tysk | Rohlfs, Gerhard | 1882 |
Karter over Etiopia, italiensk okkupasjon | Bok | 916.304 Badoglio, Pietro / . [Bok] | Badoglio, Pietro | |
Life in Abyssinia, : Three Years' Residence and Travels in that country, | Bok | 916.304 Parkyns, Mansfield / - London, : John Murray,, 1868. [Bok]. - 446 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Parkyns, Mansfield | 1868 |
Sport in Abyssinia, : The Mareb and Tackazze, | Bok | 916.304 The Earl of Mayo / - London, : John Murray,, 1876. [Bok]. - 258 s. - Språk: Engelsk | The Earl of Mayo | 1876 |
The Sacred City of the Ethiopians : A Record of Travel and Research in Abyssinia in 1893 | Bok | 916.304 Bent, J.Theodore / - London : Longmans,Green & Co., 1893. [Bok]. - 309 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Bent, J.Theodore | 1893 |
Twixt Sirdar & Menelik : An Account of a year's Expedition from Zeila to Cairo through unknown Abyssinia | Bok | 916.304 Wellby, M. S. / - London : Harper & Bros.Publ., 1901. [Bok]. - 406 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Wellby, M. S. | 1901 |
Une mission francaise en Abyssinie, | Bok | 916.304 Vign\eras, Sylvain / - Paris, : Armand Colin et Cie., 1897. [Bok]. - 324 s. - Språk: Fransk | Vigneras, Sylvain | 1897 |