Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, : Erste Hauptabteilung,Vierter Theil: Geschichte des alten Persiens, | Bok | 909. Justi, Ferdinand / - Berlin : Grote'sche Verlag, 1879. [Bok]. - 252 s (Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen) - Språk: Tysk | Justi, Ferdinand | 1879 |
Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen, | Bok | 935. Droysen, Johann Gustav / - Hamburg : Friedrich Pertes, 1833. [Bok]. - 584 s - Språk: Tysk | Droysen, Johann Gustav | 1833 |
History of the Parsis, : Their Manners,Customs,Religion and Present Position,In Two Volumes,Vol II, | Bok | 955. Framji Karaka, Dosabhai / - London : Macmillan, 1884. [Bok]. - 350 s - Språk: Engelsk | Framji Karaka, Dosabhai | 1884 |
History of the Parsis, : Their Manners,Customs,Religion and Present Position,In Two Volumes,Vol I, | Bok | 955. Framji Karaka, Dosabhai / - London : Macmillan, 1884. [Bok]. - 332 s - Språk: Engelsk | Framji Karaka, Dosabhai | 1884 |
Persia as it is, : Sketches of modern Persian life and character, | Bok | 955. Wills, C.J. / - London, : Sampson Low & Co., 1886. [Bok]. - 326 s. - Språk: Engelsk | Wills, C.J. | 1886 |