Min krigsdagbok Sinai 1967 | Bok | 956.9 Day Admiralstaben Dayan, Yael / - Stokholm : AK Aronzonsforetagen, 1967. [Bok]. - 177 - Språk: Svensk | Dayan, Yael | 1967 |
The Ideological Revolution in the Middle East | Bok | 956.9 Bin Admiralstaben Binder, Leonard / - New York : John Wiley, c1964. [Bok]. - X, 287 s. - Språk: e | Binder, Leonard | c1964 |
The Lebanese crisis, 1958 : a documentary study | Bok | 956.9 Admiralstaben New York : Asia publishing, 1965. [Bok]. - XIV,407 s. - Språk: e | | 1965 |
The other side of the coin : an American perspective of the Arab-Israeli conflict | Bok | 956.9 Lil Admiralstaben Lilienthal, Alfred M. / - New York : Devin-Adair, 1965. [Bok]. - XII, 420 s. - Språk: e | Lilienthal, Alfred M. | 1965 |