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A Dictionary of Ships of the Royal Navy of the second world warBok940.545 You Tilvekst
Young, John / - Cambridge : The Garden city, 1975. [Bok]. - 191 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Young, John1975
Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen, : Vierte Hauptabtheilung,Vierter Theil: Bundesstaat und Bundeskrieg in Nordamerika.Mit einem Ubritz der Kolonialgeschichte als Einleitung,Bok909.
Hopp, Ernst Otto / - Berlin : G Grote'sche Verlag, 1886. [Bok]. - 774 s (Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldarstellungen) - Språk: Tysk
Hopp, Ernst Otto1886
America Spreads : Her Sails, U.S. Seapower in the 19th CenturyBok972
Annapolis, Maryland : Maple Press, 1973. [Bok]. - 241 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Ben Franklins Privateers : A Naval Epic of the American RevulationBok973.3 Cla
Trevelyan, George Otto / - New York : Greenwood Press, 1969. [Bok]. - 198 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Trevelyan, George Otto1969
The Civil warBok973.7 Wel Tilgang
Welsh, Douglas / - London : Bison books, 1982. - 63 s. (Americans at war) - Språk: e
Welsh, Douglas1982
De Forente Staters Historie, : Fra villmark til stormakt,Bok973.
Friedman, Frances / - Oslo : US Information Service, 1959. [Bok]. - 170 s - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
Friedman, Frances1959
Eisenhover : the man and the symbolBok921 Gun Admiralstaben
Gunther, John / - London : Hamish Hamilton, 1952. [Bok]. - 184 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Gunther, John1952
Global missionBok358.400973 Arn Tivekst
Arnold, Henry Harley / - New York : Harper, 1949. [Bok]. - xii, 626 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Arnold, Henry Harley1949
History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Declaration of Independence, : Vol VI,Bok973.
Bancroft, George / - London : Routledge & Warne, 1861. [Bok]. - 276 s - Språk: Engelsk
Bancroft, George1861
History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent to the Declaration of Independence, : Vol VII,Bok973.
Bancroft, George / - London : Routledge & Warne, 1861. [Bok]. - 330 s - Språk: Engelsk
Bancroft, George1861
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