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Tittel Ascending
Signatur / Beskrivelse 
Chariots of the Sea, : The story of Britain's Human Torpedoes during the Second World War,Bok940.545
Mitchell, Pamela / - Huddersfield : Netherwood Ltd, 1998. [Bok]. - 248 s - Språk: Engelsk
Mitchell, Pamela1998
The sea our shieldBok623.28 Fel Admiralstaben
Fell, William Richmond / - London : Cassell, 1966. [Bok]. - [8], 232 p. - Språk: e
Fell, William Richmond1966
The Tip of the Spear, : The Midget Submarines,Bok940.545
Mitchell, Pamela / - Huddersfield : Netherwood Ltd, 1995. [Bok]. - 232 s - Språk: Engelsk
Mitchell, Pamela1995