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Tittel Ascending
Signatur / Beskrivelse 
Chariots of the Sea, : The story of Britain's Human Torpedoes during the Second World War,Bok940.545
Mitchell, Pamela / - Huddersfield : Netherwood Ltd, 1998. [Bok]. - 248 s - Språk: Engelsk
Mitchell, Pamela1998
Combat beneath the Sea,Bok940.545
Brough, Willy-Charles / - New York : Th.Y.Crowell, 1957. [Bok]. - 240 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Brough, Willy-Charles1957
Fra Narvik til NormandieBok940.54 Dal
Dalzel-Job, Patrick / - Oslo : Universitetsforlaget, 1996. [Bok]. - 191 s. - Språk: nor
Dalzel-Job, Patrick1996
Fock, Harald / - München : J F Lehmanns, 1968. [Bok]. - 155 s - Språk: Tysk
Fock, Harald1968
Midget Submarine,Bok6-H-3-D
Gleason, James / - New York : Ballantine Books, 1975. [Bok]. - 24 s (Schlünz) - Språk: Engelsk
Gleason, James1975
Midget Submarine,Bok6-H-D
Gleason, James / - New York : Ballantine Books, 1975. [Bok]. - 159 s (Schlünz.Ballantines Weapons book no 42) - Språk: Engelsk
Gleason, James1975
The Sleeping Beauty, : Provisional Handbook for Training Operational Teams,Copy nr 12,TOP SECRET,Artikkel940.545
Inter Services Research / - England : Eget. [Artikkel]. - 59 s - Språk: Engelsk
Inter Services Research 
The Tip of the Spear, : The Midget Submarines,Bok940.545
Mitchell, Pamela / - Huddersfield : Netherwood Ltd, 1995. [Bok]. - 232 s - Språk: Engelsk
Mitchell, Pamela1995