Article Collection
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Spatial and temporal changes of jet fuel contamination in an unconfined sandy aquifer.ArticleKlonowski, M.R. Breedveld, G.D. Aagaard, P.Water, Air and Soil Pollution, Vol. 188, No. 1-4, pp. 9-30.2008
Measurements of forces in reinforced ribs of sprayed concrete.ArticleGrimstad, E. Tunbridge, L. Bhasin, R. Aarset, A.International Symposium on Sprayed Concrete, 5. Lillehammer 2008. Proceedings, pp. 131-143.2008
Måling av deformasjon og krefter på og i armerte sprøytebetongbuer - hvorfor må det støpes når sprøytede buer holder med god margin. : Measurements of deformation and forces in reinforced ribs of sprayed concret. Why do we use cast concrete lining when ribs ofArticleGrimstad, E. Tunbridge, L. Bhasin, R. Aarset, A.Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 2008. Foredrag 40.1 - 40.18.2008
Planning of a 25 km long water supply tunnel in an environmentally sensitive area.ArticleKveldsvik, V. Erikstad, L. Holm, T. Enander, L.Norsk jord- og fjellteknisk forbund. Water control in Norwegian tunnelling. Norwegian Tunnelling Society. Publ. No. 12, pp. 65-74.2002
Hva skjer på Fornebu? Mindre forurenset enn fryktet. (Intervju)ArticleNordal, A.G. Hauge, A.Byggeindustrien, No. 15, pp. 14-15.1999
Geological investigations for Ringeriksbanen.ArticleLøset, F. Rui, F.World Tunnel Congress '99. Oslo 1999. Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. 87-941999
The Oslofjord subsea road tunnel. Crossing of a weakness zone under high water pressure by freezing.ArticleBacker, L. & Blindheim, O.T.World Tunnel Congress '99. Oslo 1999. Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. 309-316.1999
Frostmotstand for jernbanefyllinger. Fullskalaforsøk for NSB Gardermobanen A/S.ArticleAndresen, L. Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 1998. Pp. 35.1 - 35.11.1998
Ras under historisk grunnArticleHaakonsen, A.Våre veger, Vol. 23, No. 9, pp. 16, 19.1996
In situ bioremediation of oil pollution in the unsaturated zone.ArticleBreedveld, G.D. Kolstad, P. Hauge, A. Briseid, T. Brønstad, B.Nordiske Geoteknikermøde, 11. Aalborg 1992. Artikler til NGM-92, Vol. 1, pp. 241-248. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 187, 1992. / Paper to: NATO/CCMS, Pilot study on Demonstration of Remedial Action Technologies for Contaminated Land and Groundwater. International Conference. Washington D.C.1991.1992
Full-scale bioventing at the Trandum site, NorwayArticleBreedveld, G.D. Kolstad, P. Hauge, A. Briseid, T. Bronstad, B.In-Situ Bioremediation Symposium'92. Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario 1992. Pp. 248-250.1992
Trykksonderinger - praktiske erfaringer fra hovedflyplassundersøkelsene på Gardermoen. : CPT-sounding. Practical experiences from soil investigations for a new international airport at Gardermoen.ArticleGregersen, O. Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 1991, pp. 35.1-35.8. Trondheim, Tapir.1991
Leca'en klarte seg.ArticleSmith-Meyer, J.Teknisk ukeblad, Vol. 134, No. 46, p. 7.1987
Laboratory and field evaluation of cone penetrometers.ArticleLunne, T. Eidsmoen, T. Gillespie, D. Howland, J.D.Use of In Situ Tests in Geotechnical Engineering: Proceedings of In Situ '86, a specialty conference, American Society of Civil Engineers. Blacksburg, Va. 1986, pp. 714-729. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 171, 1988.1986
Piles in clay under cyclic axial loading - field tests and computational modelling.ArticleKarlsrud, K. Nadim, F. Haugen, T.International Conference on Numerical Methods in Offshore Piling, 3. Nantes 1986. Proceedings, pp. 165-190. Paris, Editions Technip, 1986. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 169, 1987. / NGI rapport 59072-02.1986
TBM-tunnelling and pregrouting of sewer tunnel in Oslo.ArticleGarshol, K.Tunnel-City '85 Underground Structures in Urban Areas. Prag, Czechoslovakia 1985. Contributions, pp. 262-270.1985
Feltforsøk med instrumentert stålrørspel i overkonsolidert leire. : Field tests on an instrumented steel tube pile in overconsolidated clay.ArticleKarlsrud, K. Haugen, T.Nordiska Geoteknikermøtet. Linkøping 1984. Linkøping, Statens Geotekniska Institut. Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 783-796. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 153.1984
Yielding in soft clay at Mastemyr.ArticleClausen, C.J.F. Graham, J. Wood, D.M.Geotechnique, Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 581-600. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 159, 1985.1984
Sports halls and swimming pools in rock in the Oslo region.ArticleRygh, J.A.Advances in Tunnelling Technology and Subsurface Use, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 255-268.1982
Ingeniørgeologiske erfaringer fra kloakktunnelen Lysaker - Slemmestad. : Geological engineering experience from the sewage tunnel Lysaker - Slemmestad.ArticleLøset, F.Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 1981. Foredrag, Trondheim, pp. 31.1-31.11. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 147, 1983.1982
Geologien i NesArticleLøken, T. Østmo, S.R. Gvein, Ø.Nes på Romerike. Bygdehistorie, bind 6. Pp. 8-59.1980
Skogbunn - skog - utmark.ArticleLøken, T. Holter, J. Horgen, J.E. Østerud, E.Nes på Romerike. Bygdehistorie, bind 6. Pp. 78-117.1980
Dyputgravninger og fundamentering i bløt leire en utfordring til geoteknikere. : Examples of deep excavations in and foundations on soft clay.ArticleAas, G. Eide, O.Plan og bygg, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 54-56, 59. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 122, pp. 29-36.1978
Overvannstunnel i Bærum. Erfaringer fra forinjiseringsarbeider. : Experience from pre-grouting a surface-water tunnel in Bærum.ArticleHoel, E.Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 104. 10p.1974
Case record of the slope failure that initiated the retrogressive quick-clay landslide at Ullensaker, Norway.ArticleKenney, T.C. Drury, P.Geotechnique, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 33-47. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 098.1973
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