Article Collection
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Year Descending
Planning of a 25 km long water supply tunnel in an environmentally sensitive area.ArticleKveldsvik, V. Erikstad, L. Holm, T. Enander, L.Norsk jord- og fjellteknisk forbund. Water control in Norwegian tunnelling. Norwegian Tunnelling Society. Publ. No. 12, pp. 65-74.2002
TBM-tunnelling and pregrouting of sewer tunnel in Oslo.ArticleGarshol, K.Tunnel-City '85 Underground Structures in Urban Areas. Prag, Czechoslovakia 1985. Contributions, pp. 262-270.1985
Sports halls and swimming pools in rock in the Oslo region.ArticleRygh, J.A.Advances in Tunnelling Technology and Subsurface Use, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 255-268.1982
Dyputgravninger og fundamentering i bløt leire en utfordring til geoteknikere. : Examples of deep excavations in and foundations on soft clay.ArticleAas, G. Eide, O.Plan og bygg, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp. 54-56, 59. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 122, pp. 29-36.1978