Article Collection
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3D Modelling of Wind Turbine Foundation and Anchorage. : 3D-modellering av vindturbinfundament og –forankringArticlePabst, T., Morgan, E.K., Valstad, T., Rasmussen, E. Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 2015. Foredrag 29. 2015
Engineering geological investigations for the northernmost LNG project in the world.ArticleBhasin, R. Hauge, A. Dørheim, M. Moger, J.International Conference on Rock Engineering Techniques for Site Characterization. Bangalore, India 1999. Proceedings, pp. 499-503.1999
The unlined spillway tunnels at Virdnejavri dam.ArticleMarheim, A. Hverven, V. Johansen, P.M. Lysne, D.K. Jenssen, L.International Congress on Large Dams, 18. Durban 1994. Transactions, Vol. 4, pp. 267-280.1994
Bygging av steinfyllingsmolo på bløt leire på Storekorsnes i Finnmark. : Construction of a rock fill breakwater on soft clay at Storekorsnes, Finnmark.ArticleAas, G.Nordisk geoteknikermøde, 11. Aalborg 1992. Artikler til NGM-92, Vol. 2, pp. 329-334.1992
Instrumentation and monitoring of the Virdnejavri arch dam - Alta.ArticleTronstad, K. Johansen, P.M. Engene, B. Myrset, O.Geotechnical instrumentation in practice. Proceedings of a conference. Nottingham 1989. Pp. 439-446. NGI rapport 530000-081990
Vederlag for Alta-dammen. Måleresultater fra 1. gangs oppfylling. : Foundation of the Alta arch dam. Geotechnical measurement results from the first impounding of the reservoir.ArticleJohansen, P.M.Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 1987, pp. 34.1-34.9. Trondheim, Tapir.1987
Acoustic monitoring of in situ static deformation moduli at a dam site.ArticleBy, T.L.International Symposium on the Role of Rock Mechanics in Excavation for Mining and Civil Works MEXROC '85. Zacatecas, Mexico 1985. Proceedings, pp. 26-30. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 164, 1986.1985
Geo-investigations and advanced tunnel excavation technique important for the Vardø subsea road tunnel.ArticlePalmstrøm, A.International Symposium on Low Cost Road Tunnels, Oslo 1984. Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 657-672.1984
The Vardø undersea tunnel - low cost project?ArticleGrønhaug, A. Lynneberg, T.E.International Symposium on Low Cost Road Tunnels, Oslo 1984. Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. 185-203.1984
Vardøtunnelen en historisk begivenhet for Norges østligste by. : The Vardø tunnel a historic event to Norway's easternmost town.Article Byggeindustrien, No, 1, pp. 41-44.1983
Problems during construction of the Vardø tunnel a 2.6 km long submarine tunnel.ArticlePalmstrøm, A.International Association of Engineering Geology. International Congress, 4. New Delhi 1982. Proceedings, Vol. 4, pp. 231-244. Rotterdam, Balkema.1982
Rapport fra Sne- og skredundersøkelse ved Norsk Nefelin, Lillebukt, Stjernøy. Vinteren 1971/72ArticleLied, K.  1972