Article Collection
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Predicting performance of the 62m span ice hockey cavern in Gjøvik, Norway.ArticleChryssanthakis, P., Barton, N.Conference on Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses. Lake Tahoe, Cal. 1992. Proceedings, pp. 655-662. NGI Rapport 5401001995
Rock blasting techniques and vibration monitoring for the excavation of the Gjøvik rock cavern stadium.ArticleJensen, P.S. Kristiansen, J. Moger, J.International Symposium on Underground Openings for Public Use. Gjøvik 1994. Proceedings, pp. 184-196.1994
Gjøvik Olympic Mountain Hall engineering geological investigations and construction supervision.ArticleBollingmo, P. Heimli, P. Morseth, B.R.International Symposium on Underground Openings for Public Use. Gjøvik 1994. Proceedings, pp. 130-142.1994
Rock mass characterization for large caverns in India and Norway using a new method of recording and presenting engineering geological data.ArticleBhasin, R.K.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 87-91.1994
Rock engineering investigations for the prediction of performance of the Gjøvik Olympic mountain hall.ArticleBarton, N. Hansen, S.E.International Symposium on Underground Openings for Public Use. Gjøvik 1994. Proceedings, pp. 112-129.1994
Predicted and measured performance of the 62 m span Norwegian Olympic ice hockey cavern at Gjøvik.ArticleBarton, N. By, T.L. Chryssanthakis, P. Tunbridge, L. Kristiansen, J. Løset, F. Bhasin, R. Westerdahl, H. Vik, G.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol. 31, No. 6, pp. 617-641. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 194.1994
Finite element analysis of Gjøvik Olympic Mountain Hall.ArticleAthanasiu, C. Heimli, P.International Symposium on Underground Openings for Public Use. Gjøvik 1994. Proceedings, pp. 88-99.1994
In situ stress measurements and their application in the design of the Gjøvik Olympic Mountain Hall.ArticleTunbridge, L. Hansen, S.E. Kristiansen, J.Symposium on Rock Mechanics, 34. Madison 1993. Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 601-604.1993
Engineering geological investigations and the application of rock mass classification approach in the construction of Norway's underground Olympic stadium.ArticleBhasin, R. Barton, N. Løset, F.Engineering Geology, Vol. 35, pp. 93-101. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 194.1993
Kontinuerlige bergtrykksmålinger i småhull (46 - 50 mm) ved hydraulisk splitting, eksempel fra Gjøvik ishall. : Continuous in situ rock stress measurement in small boreholes (46 - 50 mm) with hydraulic fracturing, example from Gjøvik rock cavern.ArticleKristiansen, J., Tunbridge, L. Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 1992, pp. 26.1-26.7. Trondheim, Tapir.1992
Gjøvikhallen - sammendrag av resultater fra bergteknisk forskning. : Gjøvik rock cavern - summary of results from rock mechanical research.ArticleKristiansen, J. Barton, N. By, T.L. Myrvang, A. Hansen, S.E. Stjern, G.Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 1992, pp. 4.1-4.18. Trondheim, Tapir.1992
Norway's Olympic cavernArticleBhasin, R.K., Løset, F.Civil Engineering, ASCE, December, pp. 60, 61.1992
60 m span Olympic cavern in NorwayArticleBarton, N. Myrvang, A. Bollingmo, P. Morseth, B. Huth, H.International Congress Towards New Worlds in Tunnelling. Acapulco 1992. Proceedings, Vol. 1, pp. 417-427.1992
Comparison of prediction and performance for a 62m span sports hall in jointed gneiss.ArticleBarton, N. By, T.L. Chryssanthakis, P. Tunbridge, L. Kristiansen, J. Løset, F. Bhasin, R. Westerdahl, H. Vik, G.Quarto Ciclo di Conferenze di Meccanica e Ingegneria delle Rocce. Torino 1992. Memorie 17.1-17.15.1992
Design studies for Norway's Olympic cavern.ArticleBarton, N. Tunbridge, L. Løset, F. Westerdahl, H. Kristiansen, J. Vik, G. Chryssanthakis, P.Tunnels and Tunnelling, October, pp. 23-241991
OL ishall i fjell med 60 m spennvidde - bergmekaniske undersøkelser. : Olympic ice hockey cavern of 60 m span - rock mechanics investigations.ArticleBarton, N. Tunbridge, L. Løset, F. Kristiansen, J. Vik, G.Fjellsprengningsteknikk - bergmekanikk - geoteknikk. Oslo 1990. Foredrag, pp. 36.1-36.21. Trondheim, Tapir. NGI rapport 544110-121990