Article Collection
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Year Descending
Evaluation of factors affecting stakeholder risk perception of contaminated sediment disposal in Oslo Harbor. : Stakeholder risk perception Oslo harbor.ArticleSparrevik, M. Ellen, G.J. Duijn, M.Environmental Science and Technology, 45(1): 118-124. DOI:10.1021/es100444t2011
Influence of historical industrial epochs on pore water and partitioning profiles of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls in Oslo harbor, Norway, sediments cores. : Pollution Trends in Oslo Sediment Cores.ArticleArp, H.P.H. Villers, F. Lepland, A. Kalaitzidis, S. Christanis, K. Oen, A.M.P. Breedveld, G.D. Cornelissen, G.Environmental Toxiciology and Chemistry, 30(4), 843-851. DOI:
Assessing PAH and PCB emissions from the relocation of harbour sediments using equilibrium passive samplers.ArticleCornelissen, G. Arp, H.P.H. Pettersen, A. Hauge, A. Breedveld, G.D.Chemosphere, Vol. 72, No. 10, pp. 1581-1587.2008
The Oslo harbour remediation project.ArticleBreedveld, G.D. Pettersen, A. Oen, A. Eek, E. Cornelissen, G. Kibsgaard, A. Hauge, A. Jørgensen, T. Jensen, K.L.Nordisk geoteknikermøte, 15. Sandefjord 2008. Proceedings, pp. 11-18.2008
Building of the new national opera on contaminated sediments in Oslo harbour, Norway.ArticleSivertsen, A. Eggen, A. Breedveld, G.D. Bjordal, R. Hauge, A.World Dredging Congress, WODCON, 17. Hamburg, Germany 2004. Proceedings, Dredging in a Sensitive Environment. Paper A2 1-10. Sendt forespørsel om fulltekst til GD Breedveld i juli. Venter på svar. MAY2004
Remediation of contaminated sediments in Oslo harbour, Norway.ArticleHauge, A. Konieczny, R.M. Halvorsen, P.Ø. Eikum, A.International Conference on Contaminated Sediments. Rotterdam 1997. Preprints, pp. 937-943. Also publ. in: Water Science Technology, Vol. 37, 1998, No. 6-7, pp. 299-305, and in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute. Publication 204.1997
Reduction of negative skin friction on steel piles to rock.ArticleBjerrum, L. Johannessen, I.J. Eide, O.International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 7. Mexico City 1969. Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 27-34. Also publ. in: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo. Publication, 085, 1971.1969