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Sediment properties in the upper part of the Hinlopen-Yermak landslide, northern Svalbard continental margin.ArticleYang, S.L. Vanneste, M. Forsberg, C.F. Solheim, A.International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, 18. Vancouver, Canada 2008. Proceedings, Vol. 2, pp. 631-635.2008
On the origin of large shelf embayments on glaciated margins - effects of lateral ice flux variations and glacio-dynamics west of Svalbard.ArticleVanneste, M. Berndt, C. Laberg, J.S. Mienert, J.Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 26, pp. 2406-2419. 2007
Advection of Atlantic Water to the western and northern Svalbard shelf since 17,500 cal yr BP.ArticleSlubowska-Wodengen, M. Rasmussen, T. L. Koc, N. Klitgaard-Kristensen, D. Nilsen, F. Solheim, A.Quaternary Science Reviews, 26 (3-4), 463-478. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2006.09.0092007
Paleoceanographic evolution of the SW Svalbard margin (76 degrees N) since 20,000 C-14 yr BP.ArticleRasmussen, T. L. Thomsen, E. Slubowska, M. A. Jessen, S. Solheim, A. Koc, N.Quaternary Research, Vol. 67, No. 1, pp. 100-114. Sendt forespørsel om fulltekst til A Solheim 19.07.16. Anders Solheim var verken førsteforfatter eller hadde fullteksten. Han ba meg om å kontakte førsteforfatteren av artikkelen. MAY2007
In situ biodegradation of hydrocarbons in artic soil at sub-zero temperatures - field monitoring and theoretical simulation of the microbial activation temperature at a Spitsbergen contaminated site.ArticleRike, A.G. Haugen, K.B. Engene, B.Cold Regions Science and Technology, Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 189-209.2005
Monitoring and assessment of in situ hydrocarbon biodegradation at sub-zero temperatures in arctic soil.AbstractRike, A.G. Haugen, K.B. Børresen, M. Engene, B.Presented at: Norsk geologisk forening. Vinterkonferansen Røros 2005. NGF Abstracts and Proceedings, 2005, No. 1, p. 992005
Presentation of data from the NGI permafrost station in Svea.ArticleBakkehøi, S.Presentation of data from the NGI permafrost station in Svea. Horvli, I. (Red.), International Conference on the Bearing Capacity of Roads, Railways and Airfields (BCRA'05). Pre-Conference Workshop, 1, Airfields in Cold Climates. Longyearbyen (s.1-5). NTNU: Trondheim. NGI-rapport 527014-02 2005
Bør lage skredkart. - Generelt stor skredfare. (Intervju med Krister Kristensen)ArticleSandberg, S.M.Svalbardposten, 19.mars, 2004, pp. 10. (Digitalisert av Nasjonalbiblioteket)2004
In-situ monitoring of hydrocarbon biodegradation in the winter months at Longyearbyen, Spitsbergen.ArticleRike, A.G. Haugen, K.B. Børresen, M. Kolstad, P. Engene, B.Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Arctic and Cold Climates, ARCSACC ´03. Conference, Edmonton, Canada 2003. Proceedings, pp. 268-278.2003
Hydrocarbon degradation in frozen soils.ArticleRike, A.G.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 44-51.2003
Microbial populations in permafrost soils increase in response to oil spills.ArticleRike, A.G.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 35-38.2003
Environmental fate of petroleum hydrocarbons at low temperature conditions.ArticleRike, A.G.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 33-34.2003
Petroleum contaminations in permafrost soils.ArticleRike, A.G.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 31-32.2003
Petroleum spill and its thermal effects on permafrost.ArticleHøydal, Ø.A. Børresen, M.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 52-57.2003
Foundations in permafrost.ArticleHøydal, Ø.A.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 71-76.2003
Geotechnical challenges in frozen ground.ArticleHøydal, Ø.A.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 67-68.2003
In situ monitoring of hydrocarbon biodegradation in frozen arctic soilArticleEngene, B.International Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics, 6. Oslo 2003. Proceedings, pp. 475-482. NGI rapport 20031271-042003
Effect of nutrient content on biodegradation of hydrocarbons in arctic soil.ArticleBørresen, M. Rike, A.G.Assessment and Remediation of Contaminated Sites in Arctic and Cold Climates, ARCSACC ´03. Conference, Edmonton, Canada 2003. Proceedings, pp. 220-226..2003
Potential for hydrocarbon degradation in Arctic soil.ArticleBørresen, M.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 39-43.2003
Contaminations.ArticleBørresen, M.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 22-23.2003
Landscape and sediments.ArticleBørresen, M.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 19-21.2003
Permafrost.ArticleBakkehøi, S. Rike, A.G.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003, pp. 28-29.2003
Temperature and climate.ArticleBakkehøi, S.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003. Pp. 24-27.2003
Landscape, climate and environment at Spitsbergen.ArticleBakkehøi, S.Permafrost response to environmental and industrial loads. Final Report Strategic Institute Programme 1999-2003. Pp. 17-18.2003
Oljesøl brytes ned til tross for kulde. Intervju med Anne Gunn Rike.ArticleØdegaard, L. Rike, A.G.Svalbardposten, No. 36, p.13. (Digitalisert av Nasjonalbiblioteket)2002
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