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Title:Finneidfjord, a Field Laboratory for Integrated Submarine Slope Stability Assessments and Characterization of Landslide-Prone Sediments: A Review
Authors:Vanneste, M., Longva, O., L'Heureux, J.-S., Vardy, M., Morgan, E., Forsberg, C.-F., Kvalstad, T.-J., Strout, J., Brendryen, J., Haflidason, H., Lecomte, I., Steiner, A., Kopf, A., Mörz, T., Kretier, S.
Item type:Article
Note:In Proceedings of Offshore Technology Conference 2013 (OTC 2013). Houston, Texas, USA, 6 - 9 May 2013 (OTC 23967-MS). Richardson: Offshore Technology Conference