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AddCart Assemblée générale de Helsinki : 25-7 - 6-8 1960Bok556(061.3) I
Gentbrugge : IAHS, 1960. - 1 b. (flere pag.) (IAHS Publication : 51, 52)
AddCart Assessment of radioactivity in man : proceedings of the symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens in manBok612.014.4(061.3) S
The symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens in man (11-16 may 1964 : Heidelberg) / - Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1964. - 393 s. (IAEA, Proceeding serie
The symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens in man1964
AddCart Assessment of radioactivity in man : proceedings of the symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens in manBok612.014.4(061.3) S
The symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens in man (11-16 may 1964 : Heidelberg) / - Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 1964. - 650 s. (IAEA, Proceeding serie
The symposium on the assessment of radioactive body burdens in man1964
AddCart Automatisk registrering av snøens vannekvivalent ved radioaktiv stråling : delrapport nr.1 (A-105) til Rådet for den kraftverkshydrologiske tjenestenBok556.02(05) N
Andersen, Tom / - Oslo : Norsk hydrologisk komité, Prosjekt for snøhydrologi, 1980. - 57 bl. (Intern rapport : 3) - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
Andersen, Tom1980
AddCart IRS '88: current problems in atmospheric radiation : proceedings of the international radiation symposium Lille, France, 18 - 24 August 1988Bok551.521:551.51(061.3) In
International radiation symposium (IRS 88) (14 : 1988 : Lille, France) / - Hampton, Va. : A. Deepak, cop. 1989. - xxiii, 653 s. (Studies in geophysical optics and remote sensing) - Spr
International radiation symposiumcop. 1989
AddCart Isotopes of water : a bibliographyBok016:546.212.027 Su
Summers, W. Kelly / - Ann Arbor : Ann Arbor Science, cop. 1976. - 289 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Summers, W. Kellycop. 1976
AddCart Mega : energimagasinet 7BokVIDEO
Statkraft / - Oslo : Statkraft, 1991. - 1 kassett (VHS) (32 min.) - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
AddCart Mega : energimagasinet 8BokVIDEO
Statkraft / - Oslo : Statkraft, 1991. - 1 kassett (VHS) (37 min.) - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
AddCart Nonionizing radiation protectionBok614.875 N
Copenhagen : WHO, 1982. - viii, 267 s. (WHO Regional Publications European series : no. 10) - Språk: Engelsk
AddCart Det radioaktive nedfallet i Norge etter kjernekraftulykken i Tsjernobyl : et utvalg litteratur 1986-1995Bok621.039.58 R
Østerås : Statens strålevern, 1999. - 85 s. (Strålevernrapport : 1999:1) - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
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