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Mister Russland Arktis?Artikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsNerdrum, Gunnar 2019
The Striking Similarities between Northern Norway and Northern SwedenArtikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsStein, Jonas2019
Does Indigenous Knowledge Occur in and Influence Impact Assessment Reports? Exploring Consultation Remarks in Three Cases of Mining Projects in GreenlandArtikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsDahl, Parnuna Petrina Egede2019
Incorporation of Indigenous and Local Knowledge in Central Arctic Ocean Fisheries Management Artikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsSchatz, Valentin2019
Polar Research and the Secrets of the Arctic Artikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsPedersen, Torbjørn2019
Governing the Arctic: The Russian State Commission for Arctic Development and the Forging of a New Domestic Arctic Policy AgendaArtikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsBlakkisrud, Helge2019
Indigenous Agency and Normative Change from ‘Below’ in Russia: Izhma-Komi’s Perspective on Governance and RecognitionArtikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsGoloviznina, Marina Peeters2019
Research Handbook on Climate Change Adaptation PolicyArtikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsPoto, Margherita Paola2019
Caught between traditional ways of life and economic development : Interactions between indigenous peoples and an oil company in Numto Nature Park Artikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsTysiachniouk, Maria2019
Asian countries and arctic shipping : Policies, interests and footprints on governance Artikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsMoe, Arild2019
Implementing the state duty to consult in land and resource decisions : Perspectives from Sami Communities and Swedish State Officials Artikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsLarsen, Rasmus Kløcker2019
The global situation demands more research and dissemination in 2019Artikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsRavna, Øyvind2019
Climate Change and Climate Responsibility. Our ResponsibilityArtikkel - elektroniskArctic review on law and politicsRavna, Øyvind2019