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Udmåling af et "rimeligt vederlag for udnyttelsen"ved krænkelse af immaterialrettighederBokkapittel Riis, Thomas2014
The evolving regulation : Dynamics and consequencesBokkapittel Evju, Stein2014
The development of an EU policy on workers from third countries - adding new categories of workers to the EU labour market, provided with new combinations of rightsBokkapittel Olsson, Petra Herzfeld2014
Setting wage floors in open markets : the role of the social partners in Europe's multilevel governanceBokkapittel Dølvik, Jon Erik 2014
Sanctions for "EU-unlawful" collective actionBokkapittel Bruun, Niklas2014
"Regime shopping" across (blurring) boundariesBokkapittel Houwerzijl, Mijke2014
Monitoring compliance with labour standards : Restriction of economic freedoms or effective protection of rights?Bokkapittel Ahlberg, Kerstin2014
Equal treatment for transnational temporary agency workers?Bokkapittel Schlachter, Monika 2014
Public procurement and labour rights : governance by scaremongeringBokkapittel Ahlberg, Kerstin2014
Free movement and labour rights : squaring the circle?Bokkapittel Barnard, Catherine2014
Introduction and overviewBokkapittel Dølvik, Jon Erik 2014
Veiprivatisering : En redegjørelse for regler om privatisering av kommunale veierBok Sørhaug, Linn Vårhus2014
Økonomisk analyse i Oslo Tingrett i SAS/COAST AIR sakenBokkapittel Sørgard, Lars2014
UdtrædelsesgodtgørelseBokkapittel Gram Mortensen, Bent Ole2014
Skälighetsprövning av anställdas konkurrensklausuler - AD 2013 nr 24Bokkapittel Domeij, Bengt2014
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