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Tittel:Handbook on loss of hire insurance : based upon the Norwegian Marine Insurance Plan 1996
Ansvar:Haakon Stang Lund
Forfatter:Lund, Haakon Stang
Utgitt:Bergen : Gyldendal Akademisk, 2008.- 2nd ed.
Omfang:165 s.
Emneord:Sjøforsikringsplan / Skipsfart
Forlagets omtale: The second edition of the book is an up-date of the 2001-edition.
Chapter 16 of the Norwegian Marine Insurance Plan was quite considerably amended in the 2003 version of the Plan. In the current 2007 version one substantive amendment was made to § 16-7, and one editorial amendment was made to § 16-12 as a result of the abolishment of the concept seaworthiness in § 3-22 of the Plan. The need for a second edition of the Handbook on Loss of Hire Insurance was, therefore, really overdue.
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