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Tittel:Landscape, law and justice : proceedings of a conference organised by the Centre for Advanced Study at the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Oslo 15-19 June 2003
Ansvar:edited by Tiina Peil and Michael Jones
Forfatter:red.: Peil, Tiina / red.: Jones, Michael
Utgitt:Oslo : Novus forlag, 2005
Omfang:325 s. - ill.
Emneord:Artikkelsamling / Eiendomsrett / Lovgivning / Naturressurser
Note:The Institute for Comparative Research in Human Culture. Serie B, Skrifter, Vol. 118
Instituttet for sammenlignende kulturforskning (trykt utg.)
Del av verk:Vis innhold
Forlagets omtale: This volume contains 31 papers based on presentations made at an international conference on landscape, law and justice held in Oslo June 2003.The essays deals with conceptualisation and representations of landscape and environment, policies, laws and local institutions in relation to landscape and communities, property rights and landscape.
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Ekstern:Oppslag i Oria
Vedlegg:- Kjøp hos Akademika
- Innholdsfortegnelse