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Tittel:Legal framework for satellite communications
Ansvar:Nils Kr Einstabland
Forfatter:Einstabland, Nils Kristian
Utgitt:Oslo : TANO, 1995
Omfang:S. 287-332
Emneord:Festskriftartikkel / Satelittkommunikasjon
Del av verk:25 years anniversary anthology in computers and law
Forlagets omtale: The Norwegian Research Center for Computers and Law, a department of the Faculty of Law at the University of Oslo, celebrates its 25th anniversary in 1995. In this anthology, 16 papers present aspects of computers and law, all by persons currently working at, or having been associated with, the NRCCL. The majority of the papers is written for this anthology, and offers a current view of the area. With references.
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Ekstern:Oppslag i Oria