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Tittel:Omfang av vold og seksuelle overgrep blant samer og ikke-samer
Ansvar:Astrid Margrethe Anette Eriksen
Forfatter:Eriksen, Astrid Margrethe Anette / Eriksen, Astrid M.A.
Utgitt:Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2020
Omfang:S. 127-144
Emneord:Etnisitet / Forskning / Minoriteter / Samer / Sosiale forhold / Sosiologi / Vold / Voldtekt
Note:Open access, kan lastes ned, deles.
Kapittel 7.
Innhold:Abstract: Sami ethnicity has previously not been included in national population-based surveys. Hence, knowledge about violence and sexual abuse among the
indigenous Sami in Norway has been sparse. This study is based on data from
SAMINOR 2, a population-based, cross-sectional survey on health and living conditions in areas with both Sami and non-Sami in Central and Northern Norway. It
includes a total of 11,296 participants: 2,197 (19.4 percent) Sami respondents and
9,099 non-Sami (80.6 percent) respondents. The aim was to assess the prevalence
and investigate ethnic differences in sexual, physical, and emotional violence among a population of both Sami and non-Sami women and men. The results show that more Sami women reported emotional, physical, and sexual violence compared to non-Sami women. Almost half of the Sami women and one-third of the non-Sami
women reported any lifetime violence. Sami men were more likely to report emotional and physical violence compared to non-Sami men. However, the ethnic differences in sexual violence among men were not significant. Over one-third of the Sami men reported any lifetime violence compared to less than a quarter of the non-Sami men, and most respondents reported violence in childhood. The findings indicate that Sami ethnicity is a risk factor for exposure to lifetime interpersonal violence. The differences remained significant after adjusting for age, educational level, living area, religion, and alcohol intake. For all types of violence, a known perpetrator outside the family was more commonly reported.

Keywords: ethnicity, Sami, SAMINOR, sexual violence, emotional violence,
physical violence
Del av verk:Vold i nære relasjoner i et mangfoldig Norge
Forlagets omtale: Denne boka er tilgjengelig i en gratis open access-utgave på Forskning, politikk og aktivisme har tradisjonelt vektlagt kjønn for å forstå og bekjempe vold i nære relasjoner. De siste årene har imidlertid andre sosiale dimensjoner fått økt oppmerksomhet. Denne antologien presenterer ny forskning som belyser vold i nære relasjoner i et mangfoldsperspektiv. I ni kapitler analyserer forskere hvordan voldens art og omfang kan variere basert på et samspill mellom ulike sosiale dimensjoner, som klasse, etnisitet, kjønn, og seksuell orientering. Hvordan vi forstår og snakker om likhet, forskjell og mangfold, er et overordnet tema.
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Ekstern:Oppslag i Oria
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