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Tittel:Om offentlige anskaffelser
Ansvar:Marius Langseth og Jan Ole Similä
Forfatter:Langseth, Marius / Similä, Jan Ole
Utgitt:Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2021
Omfang:Side 9-14
Emneord:Offentlige anskaffelser
Note:Open access (CC), Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License.
Dette er kapittel 1.

Innhold:Abstract: What the government purchases forms our daily routines and the world that surrounds us. The public sector can use its procurement to stimulate jobs and to create an economy that is more innovative and sustainable. High-quality public services depend on well-managed and professional procurement practitioners. Public procurement practitioners have an essential job to make effective and efficient decisions for our common money and act with integrity according to laws. Academically, research on public procurement in Norway is limited. This anthology brings together authors from different areas to shed light on exciting research questions in public procurement. The anthology consists of 10 different chapters that discuss different aspects of public procurement in Norway. Finally, implications regarding future research and study will be discussed.

Keywords: public procurement, Norway, research, professionalisation
Del av verk:Å kjøpe for Norge

Ekstern:Oppslag i Oria