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Tittel:Organisering av innkjøpsfunksjonen
Ansvar:Jan Ole Similä
Forfatter:Similä, Jan Ole
Utgitt:Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2021
Omfang:Side 75-95
Emneord:Ledelse / Offentlige anskaffelser
Note:Open access (CC), Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License.
Dette er kapittel 4.

Finding a good way to organize activities in a public sector organization can be crucial for the organization’s possibility to reach defined goals. The procurement function in the public sector can be challenging to organize, based on the fact that it is both important for the organization in question, but also an important tool for the government. Overall goals are defined nationally, in the form of national law, regulations, and policy. Each organization normally has a procurement policy document, guiding procurement decisions. In this chapter, we take a closer look at the organization of the procurement function, based on data from the 2018-procurement maturity assessment survey by Difi, as well as international research on the topic. We do not have data that provides a basis for drawing conclusions about the reasons for choosing the specific form of organizing the procurement function throughout the Norwegian public sector, therefore we have chosen to set up a discussion that can facilitate an increased degree of reflection where the structure of the procurement function is up for debate.

Keywords: public procurement, deliberate organization, goal achievement
Del av verk:Å kjøpe for Norge

Ekstern:Oppslag i Oria