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Tittel:Offentlige innkjøpere: Kompetanseområder og kunnskapshull
Ansvar:Marius Langseth og Jan Ole Similä
Forfatter:Langseth, Marius / Similä, Jan Ole
Utgitt:Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2021
Omfang:Side 123-145
Emneord:Offentlige anskaffelser
Note:Open access (CC), Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License.
Dette er kapittel 6.

This chapter examines areas of expertise and possible knowledge gaps among public purchasers in Norway. The study is based on a literature study and a sample of 343 public enterprises collected through secondary data from a questionnaire survey among Norwegian purchasers. In the literature, 24 articles and 12 areas of expertise were found. Eight of these areas were identified in the survey. The public purchasers say they have good competence in legislation and competition implementation, but lower competence in analysis, innovation and category management. The implication is that public authorities should establish a uniform competence model, and public enterprises should recognize increased requirements for public purchasers. An appropriate competence strategy should be developed to train or recruit staff who are able to fill the competence gaps.

Keywords: areas of expertise, knowledge gaps, public procurement
Del av verk:Å kjøpe for Norge

Ekstern:Oppslag i Oria