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Tittel:Oppsummering og refleksjoner om veien videre
Ansvar:Jan Ole Similä, Marius Langseth
Forfatter:Similä, Jan Ole / Langseth, Marius
Utgitt:Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2021
Omfang:Side 257-269
Emneord:Offentlige anskaffelser
Note:Open access (CC), Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 License.
Dette er kapittel 10.

The aim of this anthology has been to explore one of the more powerful economic tools of the government, public procurement. We have seen that research on public procurement in Norway is limited. Throughout the book we have analyzed several challenges related to public procurement, such as the question of competitive tendering; the reasoning behind distribution of decision-making authority in public procurement; the challenges of contract management; the question of what kind of knowledge is needed within the public procurement profession; how to approach the secondary objectives of the Public Procurement Act; the public procurement of innovations; the exploration of data science and data analytics adoption in public procurement. The overall reflection is that public procurement is of great importance for the delivery and development of public services, as well as for the development of private sector companies competing for public procurement contracts. In order to further develop the institution of public procurement in Norway, we encourage more research.

Keywords: public procurement, Norway, development, increased research
Del av verk:Å kjøpe for Norge

Ekstern:Oppslag i Oria