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Tittel:Om generelle og spesielle kunnskapsplikter i moderne miljørettsforvaltning – særlig til kunnskap om grunnvann
Ansvar:Gunnhild Storbekkrønning Solli
Forfatter:Solli, Gunnhild Storbekkrønning
Utgitt:Oslo : Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 2022
Omfang:S. 445-479
Emneord:Jus / Samfunn / Vannforsyning
Note:Verket utgis Open Access under betingelsene i Creative Commons-lisensen CC-BY 4.0
This article discusses the duty of knowledge as a modern legal instrument in environmental law. As a starting point for the discussion, lack of knowledge is a problem for resource management. In Norway, groundwater is a resource that is scarcely noticed, regulated or managed. As a response, this article identifies how we can divide knowledge requirements into a general knowledge duty and a special knowledge duty, and how this distinction can be useful and important precisely in the management of a complex resource such as groundwater. Overall, many legal provisions require knowledge of groundwater in Norwegian law – in the implementation of various measures or plans. Of immense importance, however, is the general knowledge the public administration must provide in order to exercise its authority and for other actors to build upon it.

Keywords: groundwater law, environmental law, knowledge-based regulation, water framework directive
Del av verk:Vann, juss og samfunn

Ekstern:Oppslag i Oria