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AddCart Nedbrydning af træ i Nydam MoseAnalytt902.034(489)(05) M
Gregory, David / I: Marinarkeologisk Nyhedsbrev fra Roskilde. - Nr.13, 2000 - Roskilde, 2000. - s.23-27
Gregory, David2000
AddCart Re-burial of timbers in the marine environment as a means of their long-term storage : experimental studies in Lynæs Sands, DenmarkAnalyttq902.034(05) N
Gregory, David / I: The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology. - Vol.27, No.4, 1998 - London, 1998. - s. London
Gregory, David1998
AddCart The management of waterlogged archaeological sites in situ : Research at the conservation department of the National Museum of DenmarkAnalytt902.034(489)(05) M
Gregory, David / I: Maritime Archeology Newsletter from Denmark. - No.21, 2006 - Esbjerg, 2006. - s.6-11 - Språk: Engelsk
Gregory, David2006
AddCart WreckProtect : decay and protection of archaeological wooden shipwrecksBok902:629.12 W
Oxford : Archaeopress, 2011. [Bok]. - 154 s. - Språk: Engelsk