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AddCart A brief history of ancient Chinese sailing directionsAnalytt527(05) J
Sun, Guang-Qi / I: Journal of the institute of navitagion. - Årg. 42 Nr. 1, 1989. - 11-30
Sun, Guang-Qi 
AddCart A directory for the navigation of the Indian archipelago, China, and Japan, from the straits of Malacca and Sunda, and the passages east of JavaBok527(267) F
Findlay, Alexander George / - London, 1878. - xliv, 1317 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Findlay, Alexander George1878
AddCart A directory for the navigation of the Indian ocean : with descriptions of its coasts, islands ets.Bokq527(267) F
Findlay, Alexander George / - London, 1882. - xxxviii, 1304 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Findlay, Alexander George1882
AddCart An Arabian sea chart of the Middle AgesAnalytt527(05) J
Grosset-Grange, H. / I: Journal of the institute of Navigation. - Årg. 28 Nr. 4, 1975. - 434-448
Grosset-Grange, H. 
AddCart Early British intereset in the Chagos archipelago and the Maldive IslandsAnalytt386(091)(05) M 34
Fry, E. T. / I: The Mariner's mirror. - Årg. 53, 1967 - Cambridge. - 343-356
Fry, E. T. 
AddCart Indian Ocean pilot : the seaman's guide to the navigation of the Indian OceanBok527(267) I
Imray, James F. / - London, 1886. - 1296 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Imray, James F.1886