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AddCart Currency and bullion carried by ships of the Vereenigste Oost-Indische CompagnieAnalytt386(091)(05) M 34
Elliott, G. B. / I: The Mariner's mirror. - Nr. 3, 1989 - Cambridge. - 241-252
Elliott, G. B. 
AddCart Dutch-Asiatic shipping in the 17th and 18th centuriesBokq656.6(492:5) D
The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff, 1979-87. - 3 b. (Rijks geschiedkundige publication) - Språk: Engelsk
AddCart Dutch-Asiatic shipping in the 17th and 18th centuriesBokq656.6(492:5) D
The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff, 1979-87. - 3 b. (Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatien. Grote Serie : 165) - Språk: Engelsk
AddCart Oude K.P.M.-schepen van "Tempo Doeloe"BokMag.656.611.2(492) K.P.M.
Lindeboom, Lucas / - Bilthoven : Maritieme Stichting Koopvaardij Historie van de Oost-Indiën, 1989-2000. - 12 b. - Språk: Nederlandsk
Lindeboom, Lucas1989-2000
AddCart The Dutch East India Company as shipowner 1602-1796Analytt386(091)(05)
Bruijn, Jaap R. / I: American Neptune. - Årg. xlvii nr. 4, 1987. - s. 240-248
Bruijn, Jaap R. 
AddCart The Ostend trade to Moka and India 1714-1735 : the merchants and supercargosAnalytt386(091)(05) M 34
Parmentier, Jan / I: The Mariner's mirror. - Årg. 73 Nr. 2, 1987 - Cambridge. - 123-138
Parmentier, Jan 
AddCart The private East India ventures from Ostend : the maritime and commercial aspects, 1715-1722Analytt656.6(091)(05) I
Parmentier, Jan / I: International Journal of Maritime History. - Vol.5, No.2, 1993 - St. John's. - S. 75-102
Parmentier, Jan