Norsk maritimt museum
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AddCart All in the same boat : the story of BIMCOBokq656.6(061.3) S
Souden, David / - Cambr. : Granta Editions, 1995. - 126 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Souden, David1995
AddCart BIMCO 1905-1980 : 75 years of international co-operationBokq656.6(061.3) B
Baltic and International Maritime Conference / - Cph. : BIMCO, 1980. - 63 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Baltic and International Maritime Conference1980
AddCart Documentary work and information service benefits members in 96 countriesAnalyttq386.2(05) N 83
The Baltic and International Maritime Conference / I: Norwegian Shipping News. - Årg. 37 nr. 7, 1981. - s. 4-6, 9
The Baltic and International Maritime Conference 
AddCart Preliminary programme : the general meeting Rome 1961BokSmå. 656.6(061.3) B
Baltic and International Maritime Conference (1961 : Rome) / - Copenhagen, 1960. - 4 bl. - Språk: Engelsk
Baltic and International Maritime Conference1960
AddCart ShippingkonferanserEmneord[Emneord]  
AddCart Storslått 50-års jubilantAnalytt656.611.2(061.3) V
Vadset, Kurt W. / I: Maritimt Magasin. - Nr.5 - Brattvåg : Maritimt Magasin, 2015. [Analytt]. - s 8-11 - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
Vadset, Kurt W.2015
AddCart The Johnson Line and shipping conferences : a concise history of a steam ship company and its relations to international shipping cartels 1904-1940Bokq656.611.2(485) Johnson Line
Hähnel, Bengt / - Stockholm, 1987. - 321 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Hähnel, Bengt1987
AddCart Twenty years with the Baltic and White Sea Conference : memoirsBokMag. 656.6(061.3) M
Myhre, J. F. / - Liverpool : Charles Birchall, 1927. - 192 s.
Myhre, J. F.1927