Norsk maritimt museum
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AddCart A wreck believed to be a French "bateau" sunk during action in 1760 off Isle-aux-Noix in the Richelieu River, Quebec, CanadaAnalytt930.26:626.02(05) I
Lépine, André / I: International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration. - Årg. 10 Nr. 1, 1981 - London. - 41-50
Lépine, André 
AddCart Canada's treasure huntBokMag. 902.034(71) S
Shaw, Brian / - Winnipeg, 1967. - 152 s.
Shaw, Brian1967
AddCart Discovery of a 19th century barge laden with iron ore near the village of St. Antoine in the Richelieu River, Quebec, CanadaAnalytt930.26:626.02(05) I
Lépine, André / I: International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration. - Årg. 12 Nr. 2, 1983 - London. - 101-112
Lépine, André 
AddCart Epave d'un bâtiment "marchand" du 18e siècle dans la Baie de Gaspé : Golfe Saint-Laurent, CanadaAnalyttq386(091)(05) N 35
Lépine, André / I: Neptunia. - Nr. 161, 1986 - Paris. - 18-29
Lépine, André 
AddCart Field work and studies : Archaeological remains of admiral Walker's shipwreck from 1711 in the Montreal militaryand maritime museumAnalyttq069(061)(058) I
Lépine, André / I: International Association of Transport museums. Yearbook. , 1976. - 79-98
Lépine, André 
AddCart Ghost ships : Hamilton and ScourgeBokq629.12(091) Hamilton
Cain, Emily / - Windsor : Fountain, 1984. - 152 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Cain, Emily1984
AddCart Phips's FleetAnalyttMag.91(05) N
Ringer, R. James / I: National Geographic. - Vol.198, No.2, 2000 - Washington D.C., 2000. - s.72-79
Ringer, R. James2000
AddCart Shipwrecks of British ColumbiaBok656.612.8(71) R
Rogers, Fred / - Vancouver, 1973. - 256 s.
Rogers, Fred1973