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AddCart A dictionary practical, theoretical, and historical of commerce and commercial navigationBok38(03) M
M'Culloch, J. R. / - London : Longmans, Green, and Co., 1882. - viii, 1558, 261 s.
M'Culloch, J. R.1882
AddCart Die mittelniederdeutsche Geschäftssprache des hansischen Kaufmanns zu BergenBok800.935:38 B
Brattegard, Olav / - Bergen, 1945-46. - 2 b. (Norges Handelshøyskole) - Språk: Tysk
Brattegard, Olav1945-46
AddCart Engelsk handelskorrespondanseBok800.935:38 G
Guy, Walter / - Oslo, 1958. - 248 s. - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
Guy, Walter1958
AddCart Fransk handelskorrespondanseBok804.0 R
Reichborn-Kjennerud, F. / - Oslo, 1958. - 268 s. - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
Reichborn-Kjennerud, F.1958
AddCart French-English and English-French dictionary of financial & mercantile terms, phrases, & practiceBok800.935:38 K
Kettridge, J. O. / - London : Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1963-. - 287 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Kettridge, J. O.1963-
AddCart The universal dictionary of trade and commerce. Transl. from the French of ... Savary ... with large additions and improvements ... trade and navigation ... and the laws, customs and usages ...Bokf38(03) P
Postlethwayt, Malachy / - London, 1751-1755. - 2 b.
Postlethwayt, Malachy1751-1755
AddCart Wirtschaftslinguistische StudienBok800.935:38 B
Brattegard, Olav / - Bergen, 1953. - 63 s. (Norges Handelshøyskole) - Språk: Tysk
Brattegard, Olav1953