Norsk maritimt museum
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AddCart Legal protection for English naval wreckAnalytt386(05) N
England. Lover / I: Nautical Magazine. - Vol.248, No.1, 1992 - Glasgow. - S. 45-46.
England. Lover 
AddCart Scotland's historic shipwrecksBok902.034(411) M
Martin, Colin / - London : B.T. Batsford, 1998. - 128 s. (Historic Scotland) - Språk: Engelsk
Martin, Colin1998
AddCart Scottish marine crannogsBokq941.1 H
Hale, Alex G. H. / - Oxford : Archaeopress, 2004. - 214 s. (BAR British Series : 369) - Språk: Norsk (bokmål)
Hale, Alex G. H.2004
AddCart The Carpow Bronze Age Logboat : excavation, conservation and displayAnalytt930.26:626.02(05) I
I: The International Journal of Nautical Archaeology- Vol. 41, No. 2, 2012 - Oxford, 2012. - s. 390-397 - Språk: Engelsk
AddCart The mystery of the Duart wreckAnalyttq626.02(05) S
MacKinnon, Donald / I: Scottish Diver. - Vol.32, No.1, 1993 - Glasgow, 1993. - S.10-13
MacKinnon, Donald1993
AddCart Use of explosives on the Adelaar wreck site 1974Analytt930.26:626.02(05) I
Martin, Colin J. M. / I: International Journal of Nautical Archaeology and Underwater Exploration. - Vol.4, No.2, l975 - London. - S. 345-352
Martin, Colin J. M.