Norsk maritimt museum
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AddCart A sociomedical study of the mortality in merchant seafarers : analysis of deaths in the population of active seafarers registered in Sweden 1945-1954Bok613.6 O
Otterland, Anders / - Göteborg, 1960. - 300 s.
Otterland, Anders1960
AddCart Analysis of world tank ship fleetsBokMag. q629.123.56(083.4) S
Sun Oil Company / - Philadelphia, Pa., 1949-
Sun Oil Company1949-
AddCart Die Grundlagen der Schiffahrtsstatistik : ein kritischer Beitrag zur Wertung der Handelsflotte und des Seeverkehrs des deutschen ReichesBokq656.6(083.4) V
Vogel, Walther / - Berlin : Institut für Meereskunde, Fort. 1911]. - x, 17 s. (Institut für Meereskunde)
Vogel, WaltherFort. 1911]
AddCart Domestic oceanborne and Great Lakes commerce of the United StatesBokq656.6(083.4) F
Forente Stater. Department of Commerce / - Språk: Engelsk
Forente Stater 
AddCart Extract of Norwegian laws and regulations concerning seamen and some statistical information about the merchant fleet. Worked out by order of the authorities specially for use at the International Seamens Conference in Genoa, June 1920Bok347.793(481) N
Norge / - Chra, 1920. - 80 s. - Språk: Engelsk
AddCart Internasjonal skipsfartsstatistikk samt Norges skipsfart i 1952 : statistiske tabeller og diagrammer med kommentarerBok386.2 N
Norges Rederforbund / - Oslo, 1953. [Bok]. - 48 s. (Statistikkhefte : II)
Norges Rederforbund1953
AddCart Kvartalsinformasjon om skipsfart og offshorevirksomhetTidsskriftq656.6(481)(083.4)(05) N
Norges rederiforbund / - Oslo - Språk: Norsk (bokmål). Biblioteket har: 1984-2002
Norges rederiforbund 
AddCart La marine marchande : etudes et statistiquesBokMag.q656.6(083.4) C
Frankrike. Comité Central des Armateurs de France / - Paris - Språk: Fransk
AddCart MARAD´03 : July 2003Bokq656.6(73) F
Forente Stater. Department of Transportation. Maritime Administration / - Washington, D.C : GPO, 2003. - 78 s. - Språk: Engelsk
Forente Stater2003
AddCart Maritime statistical handbookBok656.6(083.4) M
Geneva : International Labour Office, 1936. - viii, 223 s. - Språk: Engelsk
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