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Tittel:Resident populace and summer holiday visitors : cultural contacts between harmony and conflict in Nordic coastal regions
Ansvar:Anders Gustavsson
Forfatter:Gustavsson, Anders
Signatur:39:656.6 G
Utgitt:Oslo : Novus, 2013
Omfang:96 s. - ill. ; 25 cm
Klassenummer:39:656.6 / 380.8
Emneord:Kystkultur / Turistvesen
Note:Har litteraturliste
Eksemplar:1. (1 tilgjengelige)
Forlagets omtale: In Sweden, summer holiday visitors from the towns have long gone out to certain coastal localities. The connections with the holiday summer visitors were a new experience for the local residents from the 1880?s on. In this book the author has examined the behavioural relationships between these two populace categories until present time. A harmonic relationship and one characterized by conflict are at opposite ends of the spectrum. Harmony, latent conflicts and open conflicts replace each other during different decades
Omtale levert av Den norske Bokdatabasen®

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