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Tittel:Jenter i trær : roman
Ansvar:Heidi Mittun-Kjos
Forfatter:Mittun-Kjos, Heidi / Mittun-Kjos, Heidi
Omfang:283 sider ; 21 cm
Emneord:Familieforhold - nno / Familieforhold - nob
Stikkord:norsk litteratur / roman
Eier:Vik folkebibliotek
Eksemplar:1. (1 tilgjengelige)
Forlagets omtale: She has to bury Aunt Magni on the island she comes from. That is her self-imposed mission. Her aunt's urn in her luggage, she travels back to the house where she spent the summers of her childhood. Hoping to make amends for old sins, she is confronted with the deceiving squiggles in her family lines, in a landscape where her family have been leading an unfair battle against their lots in life for generations. Searching for closure turns out to be very difficult indeed. Girls in Trees is an uproarious, devil-may-care, sensuous story of kids who grow up, kids who are hidden, and kids that never existed. It’s a novel of loss and loneliness, but also about the moments of departure and freedom that contain the possibility of a different life. Foreign Sales: Denmark, Straarup & Co.
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