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Kort beskrivelse av Siemens Interkomsystem for Kobben Kl. Undervannsbåter.
Sjøforsvarets Forsyningskommando/Teleseksjonen.
Reol 4-A-5-D
Haakonsvern., 1966.
3 s + plansjer. ; 31 cm
Radiohåndbøker. Sambandsmateriell.
L.nr Sb/M 323 (3 eks)
Sjøforsvarets Forsyningskommando/Teleseksjonen.
Radiohåndbøker. Sambandsmateriell.
Technical Manual Operating Instructions Radio Set AN/GRC-27.
C.B.4596 Handbook for Radio Search & D.F. Outfit UA2.
TM 11-5820-549-12 Reciving set, radio AN/PRR-9 transmitting set, radio AN/PRT-4
TM 11-5820-498-35 Maintence manual Radio sets AN/VRC-53,AN/VRC-64,AN/GRC-125/AN/GRC-160
TM 11-5820-477-12 Radio set control group AN/GRA-39
TM 11-5820-409-35 Resiver, radio R_442/VRC
TM 11-5985-262-15 ANtenna AS-1729/VRC
TM 11-5820-399-35 Reciver-transmitters, radio RT-246/VRC and RT-524/VRC
TM 11-5820-401-35 Radio sets AN/VRC-43,-44,-45,-46,-47,-48,- and-49
TM 11-5820-401-35 Radio sets AN/VRC-43,-44,-45,-46,-47,-48,- and-49
TM 11-5820-401-10 Operators manual Radio sets AN/VRC-12 and AN/VRC-43,-44,-45,-46,-47,-48,- and-49
Ladelikeretter type SK-8/24-20. Instruksjonsbok.
Phillips. H.F. Signalgenerator GM 2893. Directions for use.
Instruction Book for Transmitting Equipment Navy Model TED-1(MSA).
Navships 91626. Technical Manual for Audio Frequency Amplifier AM-215B/U, AM-215D/U.
Navships 91277. Instruction book for Crystal Calibrated Frequency Indicating Equipment.
BR 1618. Handbook for AP 57141 Series Receiver B41.
Operating Instructions for Type 544-B Megohm Bridge.
Thompson CFTH Houston. Telecommunication Transmitter TH-C822. Schemaes & Nomenclatures.
Wavetek. Instruction Manual Model 3001 Signal Generator.
Navships 91357.31. Performance Standards for Radio Transmitting Equipment Navy Model TED Series.
Marinens Minevesen. Beskrivelse av kortbølgesender 1, Beskrivrelse av Sender Type 9, beskrivelse av sender type 7 samt tegninger. (1 samlekonvolutt).
Navships 93235(A). Technical Manual for Antenna Coupler CU-691/U.
ITT Marine. MHF SSB Radiotelephone STR 250 B
TM 11-5820-401-20. Field and Depot Maintenance Manual Radiosets AN/VRC-12 and AN/VRC-43, -44, -45, -46, -47. -48, and -49.
SFP-150. Teknisk håndbok for Orion Radiostasjon. Del 1.
Collins. Instruction Book 671U-4/4 Receiver Exiter. Description and Maintenance.
Racal. Operating and Maintenence Instructions Communication Receiver Type RA 17L.
Telefunken. HF-Energieleitungs-Überwachungsanlage für den Kurz-,Mittel- oder Langwellenbereich.
Navpers 10794-B. Shipboard Electronic Equipment.
Navships 900,135(A). Instructions for Maintaining Ship Electronic Installation Record System.
Instruction Book for Navy Model TCS-2 Radio Telephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
Navships 91357. Instruction Book for Radio Transmitting Equipment Navy Model TED.
Beskrivning över 200 W KV Sändare M/50. Service.
Navships 91535. Instruction Book for Radio Receiving Set AN/URR-13A.
Navships 91747. Instruction Book for Tube Tester TV-3B/U.
Navships 92051. Instruction Book for Multimeter AN/PSM-4A.
Navships 91270.42. Maintenance Standards for Radio receiving Set AN/URR-13, 13A, 13B, 35, 35A.
Elektrisk Bureau. Communication Transmitter 17-SS-400. Instruction Manual 16 SS 74-49.
Navships 91357.42. Maintenence Standards Book for Radio Transmitting Equipment Navy Model TED Series.
Racal. User Handbook for Transmitter/Receiver Type TRA.906.
Preliminary Instruction Book for Navy Model TCS-13 Radio Telephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
Marconi. Instruction Manual for Marconi "Atalanta" General Purpose Marine Receiver. (Type 2207C).
Marconi. VHF Communications Equipment Model L67C.
Philips. Cathode-Ray Oscilloscope GM 5659/01. Diretions for use.
SHP-413. Radar Search Receiver VR-1-BJ.
Simrad. Radiotelefon PB4. Instruksjonsbok.
Simrad. Radiotelephone Model PA 3. Instruction Manual.
Radiometer. Type RV34 Vacuum-Tube Voltmeter.
Marconi. Type TF 867A Standard Signal Generator. Operating Instructions.
Marconi. Range Calibrator SI 101. Technical Handbook.
Operators and Organizational Maintenance Manual for Radio sets AN/VRC 12, -43, -44, -45, -46, -47, -48, -49, -54 and AN/VRC-55.
SFP-27. Operation Manual Tron-1-B VHF Emergency Beacon.
Collins. Instruction Book 636X-2A Power Supply.
Collins. Instruction Book 718U-4A/4AN HF Tranceiver.
Collins. Instruction Book 671U-4/4 Receiver Exiter. Diagrams.
Collins. Instruction Book 514A-3/4 Radio Set Control.
SFP-192. Teknisk Håndbok for Håndradio HR-2 Type 751-5.
SFP-149. Teknisk håndbok for Orion Radiostasjon. Del 2. Systemhåndbok.
Instruction Book for Navy Model TCS-12 Radio Telephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
Handbook of Maintenance Instructions for Radio Set SCR-578-A or SCR-578-B.
Navships 900-217-IB.andbook of Maintenence and Instructions for Navy Model LM-20 Crystal Calibrated Frequency Indicating Equipment.
Navships 900-291-IB.Instruction Book for Radiotelephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment Models TCS-7, TCS-9, TCS-10, TCS-11, and TCS-12.
Navships 900,641. Instruction Book for Vacuum Tube Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter Navy Model OBQ-2.
Handbook for Type 619 and Receiver Outfit CAT.
Telefunken. FM-UKW-Funksprechgerät "Teleport IV" Prüf- und Abgleichhinweise.
Marconi. Operating and Maintenance Handbook for R-C Oscillator Type TF 1101.
Brown Boweri. 1964 Electron Tube Handbook.
Instruction Book for Models 1501 and 1502 Special Purpose Receivers.
Simrad. Simrad 100W sender Type TA2 og TA3. Instruksjonsbok.
Plessey. Service Manual for UHF Radio Equipment Type PTR 572.
Simrad. PC3 VHF Radiotelefon. Serviceveiledning.
Marconi. Frequency Converter TF 2400.
Marconi. Operating Instructions Transmitter Output Meter Type TF 912.
Philips. UHF Transmitter Types 8RZ509/00 and 01. Manual.
Phillips. Bruksanvisning for Kommunikasjonsmottaker BX 925 A.
Philips. Signal Tracer GM 7628/01. Directions for use.
Philips. Gebrauchsanleitung Gleichstrom-Vorverstärker GM 8028.
Navships 91338. Instruction Book for Antenna AT-150/SRC and Antenna Assembly AS-390/SRC.
Simrad. Håndbok for Simrad Radiotelefon Model 550-6 og 550-5.
Simrad. Radiotelephone Model PA 2. Instruction Manual.
Radiometer. Multimeter Type NM1.
Underholdningsanlegg PES-1.
TH 11-5820-25/401-30K. Kvalitetskontroll Radiosett AV AN/VRC-12 FAM.
Collins. Instruction Book 718U-5 Mountings.
OP 1303. United States Navy Syncroes. Description and Operation.
Elektrisk Bureau. Automatic Keying Device Type 5-AN 5. Description.
ITT Marine. Technical Manual for Transmitter-receiver Solas II.
Teknisk beskrivelse av Sambandsmateriell.
Navships 92197-1. Suplementary Instruction Book for Multimeter AN/USM-34.
Description and Operation Instruction Telescope Rod Antenna
SFP 44. Technical Manual VLF Special Receiver E 545.
SFP 35. Technical Manual 400 w MF Radio Transmitter Type EB 400.
Navships 900,590. Instruction Book for TBS Series. TBS to TBS-8 Radio Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
TRT. V.F.O. Monitoring Set FE 341.
Elmer. Technical Manual for Exiter T-827A/URT.
Elmer. Technical Manual for Antenna Coupler CU-937/UR.
Elmer. Håndbok for Frekvensskift Converter Comperator SP-270-N.
Nera. Radar Search Receiver VR-1-B.
Drake Model RR-1 Marine Reserve Receiver. Instruction Manual.
Simrad. Kort beskrivelse av Radiotelefon Type 550-4.
Marconi. VHF Transmitter/Receiver Type HP 112. Technical Handbook.
Hewlett Packard. Operating and Service Manual Distortion Analyzer 333A/334A.
Philips. Electron Tube Manual.
Beschreibung und Bedienungsanweisung zum Kabelsuch- und Kabelauslese Gerät.
Elektrisk Bureau. Betjeningsforskrift for Sender Type 1-SS-500 med likeretter.
Racal. TRA.922 HF. SSB. Manpack Transmitter-Receiver. Technical Manual.
Ferrotron. Betjeningshåndbok for frekvens-omformer FU 114-B.
OP 1303. United States Navy Syncroes. Description and Operation.
Eddystone. Model EC958. Installation Notes Operating Instructions and Service Data.
SC-130. Syntesized Tranceiver Patrolfone H.F. Single Sideband.
Preliminary Instruction Book for Navy Model TCS-14 Radio Telephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
Nera. Beskrivelse av linjetilknytningsutstyr med selektivt anrop eller høytaleranrop.
Man 10-32. Teknisk beskrivelse av Radiostasjon WT-2 og WT-2-A.
Navships 91852. Instruction Book for Submarine Antennas AS-552B/BPX, AS-468/B & AS-535/B and AS-523/BPX, AS-524/BPX&AS-525/BPX.
Phillips. A.F.Generator GM 2308. Directions for use.
Plessey. UHF Radio Equpment Type PTR. 171A. Service Manual Volume I.General Description Installation and Operation.
Phillips. H.F. Oscilloscope. Directions for use and Service Documentation.
ITT Marine. MHF SSB Radiotelephone STR 250 N Type "L".
Radiometer.Catalogue. Measuring Instruments for Radio, Telephone, Telegraph and Television.
SFP 11. ITT Marine. MHF SSB Radiotelephone STR 250 N Type "L".
Mufax. Operating Instructions for D-649-L/DA.
Navships 91453. Instruction Book for Type CBEQ-20218-A Rectifier Power Unit.
Instruction Book for Navy Model TCS-5. Radio Telephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
Navships 900-274-IB.Instruction Book for Crystal Calibrated Frequency Indicating Equipment Model LM-15.
Sound Reproducing Equipment Type 456. (Canadian). Handbook.
navships 900,398-IB. Instruction Book for Navy Models TDE-1, TDE-2 Radio Telegraph and Telephone Transmitting Equipment.
Navships 900,575-IB. Instruction Book for Radio Telephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment Navy Model TCS-8.
Beskrivning över 200 W KV Sändare M/52. Service.
Styresender 16SZ31-11. Beskrivelse.
BRCN-5478. Instruction Book for Frequency Shift Converter. Type 107 Model 2.
Navships 91796(A). Instruction Book for Radio Transmitting Equipment Navy Model TED-3.
Navships 92088. Instruction Book for Standing Wave Indicator IM-89/UR.
Navships 92134(A). Instruction Book for R.F. Signal Generator Set AN/URM-25D.
Navships 92243. Instruction Book for Radio Set Control C.1138/UR.
AN/URR Krystallverdier.
Marconi. Beskrivelse og Betjeningsinstrukser for Marconimottagerne "Mercury" (Type 1017) og "Electra" (Type 1018).
Simrad. Beskrivelse av Radiotelefon Type 550-5.
Plessey. UHF Radio Equpment Type PTR. 171A. Service Manual Volume 2. Test Equipment Maintenence and Servicing.
Plessey. Service Manual for PTR171A UHF Radio Equipment. Volume 2. Maintenance Instruction.
Navships 93808. Technical Manual for Electronic Multimeter AN/USM-116.
BR 2357. Handbook for Shipborne DF Calibration and V/UHF Polar Diagrams.
UD 10-33. Felttelefon FF 33. Beskrivelse og bruk.
Navships 94840(A). Operators Handbook for Radio Set AN/WRC-1 and Antenna Coupler CU-937/UR.
MS 10-47-2. Radiosett DA/PRC-262. Forskrifter for betjening og 1. og 2. linjes vedlikehold.
Navships 0967-226-8010. Technical Manual for Electronic Frequency Converter CV-2332/APX-64(V).
Philips. Multi-Channel Transmitter-Receiver Type 8RR409/00-02.
Navships 0967-217-4030. Manual Illustrated Parts Breakdown Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-859/APX-72, RT-859A/APX-72 and Mounting MT-3809/APX-72, MT-3948/APX-72.
Instruction Book for Model TDE-2 Radio Telegraph and Telephone Transmitting Equipment.
TH SFK/T - 703 - 072. Instruksjonsbok for nødpeilesender Personelltransportfartøy SKØ 122.
Navships 92423. Instruction Book for Electronic Multimeter ME-6D/U.
SFP 34. Technical Manual Electromekano AP759 VHF-Marine Radio.
Marconi. VHF Radiotelefon Anlegg Type NM. 974 & NM.976. Teknisk Håndbok.
Phillips. Instruction Manual for the Communication Receiver BX 925 A.
Instruction Manual AF Millivoltmeter Type RV36 c.
Oltronix. Operating and Service Manual LABPAC B 60-1T.
Marconi. Fjernstyringsutstyr Type NM 1001 & NM 1002. Teknisk Håndbok.
Solartron. Digitalt Voltmeter LM1440.2 Autorange Version LM 1480.2. Technical Manual.
Plessey. UHF-Transeiver PTR-171A. Generell beskrivelse.
Philips. Transistor Tester PP 3000. Directions for use.
Marconi. Operating and Maintenance Handbook FM Signal Generator Type TF 1066A/2.
Marconi. Operating Instructions Transmitter Output Meter Type TF 912.
BR 1539. Handbook for Amplifiers Marks 15M and 15H and 18H and 20H.
Speech-Input Equipment Navy Type CRV-50064 for Model TBL Transmitting Equipments.
Marconi. Teknisk håndbokfor VHF-mottager type NM.1000.
Navships 94841.42 (A). Maintenance Standards for Radio Receiver R-1051/URR.
TM 11-5985-262-15. Operators and Maintenance Manual Antenna AS-1729/VRC.
Rohde & Schwarz. Beschreibung Poliscop I. SWOB.
TM 11-5820-667-12. Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts List Radio Set AN/PRC-77.
SFP 47. Operation and Maintenance Manual Tranceiver HF/SSB Syntesized GSB-900.
Autronica. Transductorregulert Ladelikeretter Type SK 24/20A.
Valve Data Manual.
TM 11-5820-401-20. Organizational Maintenance Manual Radiosets AN/VRC-12 and AN/VRC-43, -44, -45, -46, -47. -48, and -49.
TM 11-5820-498-35. Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Radio Sets AN/VRC-53, AN/VRC-64, AN/GRC-125 and AN/GRC-160 and Amplifier-Power Supply Groups OA-3633/GRC and OA-3633A/GRC.
TM 11-5820-667-35. Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Radio Set AN/PRC-77.
ITT. Interkom for UVB. Bind II. Tegninger.
Kort beskrivelse av Siemens Interkomsystem for Kobben Kl. Undervannsbåter.
Marconi. "Argonaut S & SP" Technical Description and Servicing. Instruction Manual. Section Two.
SFP-32. ITT Mackay Marine. Operation-Maintenance Manual for 3021A, 3021C and 3021C Marine Receiver.
Retningslinjer for installasjon av Radiotelegrafstasjon ombord i Fartøy.
Operating Instructions for Test Set Type D-30-A.
Valve Data Manual.
Lorenz. Netzgerät zu "Lo 1 UK 35".
Collins. Instruction Book Radio Set GRC-171(V)1. Part List.
Collins. Instruction Book 635U-2/2A HF Preselector.
TM 11-5820-667-35P. Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenance, Repair Parts and Special Tool Lists Radio Set AN/PRC-77 (Including Receiver/Transmitter RT-841/PRC-77).
Skandinavisk Elektronikk A/S. Radiofjernkontrollanlegg "Sauda kl".
SFP-32. ITT Mackay Marine. Operation-Maintenance Manual for 3020A, 3020B and 3021C Marine Receiver.
Marconi. General Purpose Marine Receiver NS 702. Technical Handbook.
Brown Boweri. 1964 Electron Tube Handbook.
SFP 173. ITT Marine. STR 65 Marine VHF FM Radiotelephone. Instruction Manual.
Beschreibung des Überlagerungsempfängers T 9 K 39.
SFP-40. Teknisk Håndbok for Peileapparat Type SFP 705 LNG. Plath. Vol I og II.
PAE. Installation Handbook Transmitter/Receiver Type 3030.
SC120 Patrolfon H.F. Single sideband transceiver.
Eddystone,Model EC958Receiver
Eddystone,Model EC958Receiver
SFP-254 Instruction Manual,Watch Receiver 2182 khz WR 6000.
Collins. Instruction Book 490T-2/2A/2B antanna Coupler. Overhaul Manual.
Collins. Instruction Book 651S-1/1A General Purpose HF Receiver.
Marconi. Double Diversity Recording Unit Type HU.12. Technical Handbook.
Beskrivning över 200 W KV Sändare M/52. Handehavande.
BR 1771(4). Common Naval Radio Test Equipment Handbook for A.P. 68622 Oscilloskope Miniature.
Navships 91357.41. Maintenance Check-off Book for Radio Transmitting Equipment Navy Model TED Series.
Oscilloscope Type S31. Operating Instructions.
Thompson CFTH Houston. Telecommunication Transmitter TH-C822. Beskrivelse av hovedsender og pilot.
Navships 94840(A). Technical Manual for Radio Set AN/WRC-1 and Antenna Coupler CU-937/UR.
Nera. VHF Radio Telephone Equipment. Maritime VHF Radio Telephone Type CS21M. Description.
Navships 94840.42(A). Maintenance Standards for Radio Set AN/WRC-1 and Antenna Coupler CU-973/UR.
Elmer. Technical Manual for Receiver R-1051A/URR.
Philips. Tongenerator GM 2308/01. Gebrauchsanweisung.
Batteri-Høytalersystem for Ka-Anlegg. Type KA-1.
Elektrisk Bureau. Beskrivelse av styresender 16SZ31-11.
BRCN 2613.Instruction Book and Parts Manual for the Shipborne Radio Remote Control System.
Operating and Aligment Instructions Skyrider Marine Model S-22.
Fluke. Digitalt Multimeter 8000A.
Beskrivelse og bruksanvisning for Universal Avometer Model 8.
SEP-119. Håndbok for batteritester Varta MK 105 Mod. A 1,5 til 3 volt batterier.
Philips. HF Signalgeneratot GM 2883/04 - GM 2893/01. Directions for use.
BR 2062(1). Handbook for Type 691 Series and Receiver Outfit CUH.
Navships 91270. Instruction book for Radio Receiving Set AN/URR-13.
Philips. RC-Generator GM 2317. Directions for use.
Collins. Instruction Book 671U-4/4 Receiver Exiter. Part List.
Collins. Instruction Book 313N-5/5A VHF Control.
TM 11-4069 to 31R2-PRC6-2. adio Set AN/PRC-6 Field Maintenance.
ITT. Interkom for UVB. Bind II. Tegninger.
Retningslinjer for installasjon av Radiotelegrafstasjon ombord i Fartøy. II. Utgave.
The AVO Valvetester. Valve Data Charts.
SFP-192. Teknisk Håndbok for Håndradio HR-2 Type 751-5.
PAE. Technical Handbook Transmitter/Receiver Type 3030.
SFP-175 Simrad RW3 Vaktmottaker, instruksjonsbok.
Addendum. Instruction Book for Operation and Maintenance of Radio Set SCR-522-A.
Philips. Semiconductor Manual.
Preliminary Instruktion Book for Navy Model TBS-8 Radio Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
ITT. Interkom for UVB. Bind III. Komponentlister.
SFP 162. ITT Marine. Operation-Maintenance Manual for 3026T Marine Receiver.
Transmission Measuring Set 7100 F.
Elmer. Technical Manual for LF-Converter SP-263-N.
Elmer. Technical Manual for Remote Control Unit SP-300.
VHF-Radiostation PN-72.
Nera. Radar Warning Equipment VR-1-Mod.
TM11-284 To T016-30GRC-3-6. Radio Sets AN/GRC-3,-4,-5,-6,-7, and 8. Technical manual.
Simpson. Operators Manual Model 260 Volt-Ohm-Milliammeter,
SFP-28. Overhaulmanual Tron-2 VHF Emergency Transeiver.
Notes on Fault Location in Cables.
Collins. Instruction Book Radio Set GRC-171(V)1. Service andCircuit Diagrams.
Instruction Book for Navy Model TCS-4. Radio Telephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
Navships 91272. Instruction book for Oscilloscope OS-8/U.
Röhren-Hansbuch 1959.
Installation Specification for W/T and Voice Transmitters Type 618 and 619 and Receiver Outfit CAT.
Navships 92197. Instruction Book for Multimeter AN/USM-34.
Navships 93021. Technical Manual for Electron Tube Test Set TV-10/U
Marconi. VHF Communication Equipment Type H.19. Amplitude Modulation Version. Technical Handbook.
Tegninger Radiomateriell. P.J. Johansen. (Jarneid).
Mufax. Weather Chart Radio Transmission.
Marconi. "Argonaut S & SP" Installation. Instruction Manual.Section One.
Nera. Maritime VHF Radio Telephone Type CS203M-B. Description and Operation.
Skandinavisk Elektronikk A/S. Radiofjernkontrollanlegg "Sauda kl".
Collins. Instruction Book 718U-5 Lightweight Airborne Transeiver.
Collins. Instruction Book 548S-3/3A/5/5A/6 Power Amplifier Coupler and 641D-1 Variable Capacitor.
Collins. Instruction Book Collins Universal Mounts.
Technical Manual for Sylvana Radio Tubes.
Instruction Book for Radio Receiving Set AN/URR-13 A (MSA).
Marconi. Communication Receiver Type CR.300. Technical Handbook.
Navships 92701. Instruction Book for Radio Transmitting Equipment Navy Model TED-7.
Beschreibung für Plath-Sichtfunkpeiler SFP 500 mit Einschub E 500 NG.
Technical Handbook Radio Set DA/PRC-262. Operators Manual.
Elmer. Technical Manual for RF Amplifier SP-373A-N.
SFP 6. Technical Manual AP759 VHF-Marine Radio.
Teknisk Håndbok PU-16.
Nera. Blankingsenhet 1/68 med portkrets
Phillips. "Cartomatic".
Elmer. Technical Manual for Receive - Transmitter Set SRT-101.
Elmer. Technical Manual of UHF Modem FSK/UHF SP-453.
The Models 8 Universal Avometer. Instructions for use.
Philips. Wave Meter GM 3121. Directions for use.
Preliminary Instruction Book for Radio Receiving Equipment Model RAO-2.
Solartron. Frequency Counter EM 1616. Technical Manual.
Instruction Book for Navy Models RBA, RBA-1, RBA-2 and RBA-3 Radio Receiving Equipments.
Navships 900,394-1B. Preliminary Instruction Book for Navy Model RBL-4 Radio Receiving Equipment.
Preliminary Instruction Book for Navy Model TCS-14 Radio Telephone and Telegraph Transmitting and Receiving Equipment.
Navships 92197-1. Suplementary Instruction Book for Multimeter AN/USM-34.
Simrad. Simrad Vaktmottaker Type RW2.
Undervannssignalapparater "B1" - "B6" Beskrivelse og betjeningsforskrifter.
Elektrisk Bureau. Betjeningsforskrift for Sender Type 16SS25-10.1.
SC120 Patrolfone High FrequencymSSB Transiver.
Telefunken. Portable Radiotelephone "Teleport" IV.
TM-5500. Multimeter TS-297/U.
Elmer. Technical Manual for RF Amplifier SP-373A-N.
Navships 900,381. Instruction Book for Navy Models TBL-5/6/7/12/13 Radio Transmitting Equipment.
Navships 91829. Instruction Book for Radio Receiving Set AN/URR-13B.
Beskrivelse for Radio Mottager Type AN/URR-13A (MSA).
Nera. Submarine Radar Warning Equipment Type RV-1.
Plessey. Service Manual for PTR171A UHF Radio Equipment. Volume 1. General Description, Installation and Operating.
Elac. Unterwasser Telephonie- und Telegraphie Anlage. Type 1 TB.Vorlaufige Firmenbeschreibung. Beskrivelse og driftsforskrift for UT-anlegg.
BR 1758. C.V. Register of lectronic Valves.
Navships 94841(A). Technical Manual for Radio Receiver R-1051/URR.
Elmer. Technical Manual for RF Amplifier AM-3997/URT.
Philips. UHF Receiver RO 609 + RY 980.
Cossor. Indudstrial Oscillograph Model 1049 MK IV. Operating and Servicing.
BR 2348. Handbook for Radio Search & D.F. Outfit UA2.
Oversikt over Feltradioer i Kystartilleriet.
Philips. Wellenmesser GM 3121. Gebrauchsanweisung.
Preliminary Notes on Radio Search D.F. Equipment UA1 With Aerial outfit AYA.
Preliminary Notes on Radio Search D.F. Equipment UA1 With Aerial outfit AYA.
A.S.R.E. Technical Note WX-54-10.
Lehmkuhl. PTC FM80001/2 ranger F.M. Mobile Radiotelephone. Technical Handbook and Parts List.
Hewlett-Packard. Model 524B Electronic Counter. Operating and Servicing Manual.
G 18. Instruksjonsbok for likespenningsomformer LSBD 26(23 for Mark-37.
TM 11-5820-477-35. Direct Support, General Support and Depot Maintenance Manual Radio Set Control Group AN/GRA-39, AN/GRA-39A, and AN/GRA-39B.
TM 11-5820-667-12. Operator and Organizational Maintenance Manual Including Repair Parts List Radio Sets AN/PRC-77.
Marconi. "Argonaut S & SP" Drawings. Instruction Manual. Section Four.
Beschreibung für Plath - Sichtfunkpeiler SFP 500. Band 2. Instandsetzung.
PAE. Operators Handbook Transmitter/Receiver Type 3030.