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SHP-456 Decca. Loran C DL 91. Operation, Installation and Maintenence Manual.
Decca Navigatorcompany.
Reol 4-E-4-C.
Silver Spring, 1975.
8 avsnitt ; 28 cm
Lorsan C.
L.nr Na/M 164 (3 eks)
Decca Navigatorcompany.
Service Manual for Radiomarine Model CR-101-A Radar Equipment.
SNP-139. Technical Manual T 109 Technical Manual
SNP-192 Kabelskjema for Gyro/logg-anlegg Oslo-kl
SHP-530. Decca Radar 1226 Storm klasse Technical Manual Solid State Radars Navkis - TM 1226. Vol 2.
Sperry. Service Manual SRP 660 Gyropilot SRP 670 Autopilot SRP 680 Gyropilot Steering Controls.
Navships 91597. Instruction Book for Antenna Assembly AS-177/UPX.
BR 2164 (1) Auto-Aligning System Mark 2. Alignment of Plan Displays with Associated Radar Aerials. Technical Description.
Navships3240007. Instruction Book Course Input Converter.
Decca Navigator. Operatørhåndbok og Kjedeinformasjon.
Magnavox. Navigasjonshåndbok for MX1102 Satelite Navigator.
Racal. Master (Series90) Radars 12" Relative Motion (RM) Display Type 65351. Display Operating and Servicing Manual.
Sperry Gyro Compass Mark XX. Instruction manual.
SFP 172. Conrac. Installation, Operation, and Maintenance Manual.
The Marine Radar Simulator Type 819. Description, Operation and Maintenence Handbook. Book 2 Circuit Diagrams.
SNP-140. Technical Manual for SKR-80B Gyrokompass.
Anschütz. Standard 4S Gyrocompass Type 110-505. Description, Operating Instruction, Care and Maintenance.
Decca Marine Radar. World Service List of Agents.
Marconi. Radar Distribution Unit Type Sj 101. Technical Handbook.
The Arma Dead Reconing System. Mk VI Mod I.
Loran mottager.
Anschütz. Gyrokompasset Standard III og IV. Beskrivelse, betjening og vedlikehold.
Sperry Gyro Compass Mark XX. Service Manual.
TM11-1501. Radar Set AN/SPN-5. Field and Depot Maintenance.
Decca Transar. Ships Manual D 202.
Decca Marine Radar. Radar Operating Manual Decca 909.
FH 240 Vol I. Radar Equipment C-61. Instruction Manual.
Nera. Instruction Book VRM-103.
Training Manual Fundamental of Inertial Navigation.
BR2010 (1).Handbook for indicator Outfit JD, JE & JN. Technical Description.
Decca Marine Radar. Maintenance Manual Decca 606 and TM 707.
Kelvin Huges. Servicing Instructions for Marine Radar Type 19/12 & 19/12C.
Robertson Tritech. Technical Manual for SKR-82B Gyrocompass.
Technical Manual Operation and Maintenance Instruction Satellite Signals Navigation Set AN/WRN-6(V).
Technical Handbook for Gyro Refernce System. A Combined Heading and Vertcal Refernce System. Volume 1. CHVR System.
SNP-67. Technical Handbook for Gyro Reference System . A Combind Heading & Vertical Reference (CHVR) System. Volume 1.
SHP- Decca transar D202 Ships manual
Sperry Gyro Compass Mark XX. Instruction manual.
BR2010 (1).Handbook for indicator Outfit JD, JE & JN. Mainmtenance and Repair Directions.
Decca. Radar type 404 Maintenence Manual.
Decca Marine Radar. Radar Operating Manual Decca 909. Display Unit. Tillegg til HBF/TM 909. Konvolutter.
Decca Marine Radar 45. Maintenance Manual.
BR 268(3B). Electro Magnetic Log.
SHP-455. Decca Navigator MK 21.
SNP 144. MX 1107. Service Manual Navigators Manual Installation Manual Dual Channel Sattelite Navigator.
SHP-451. Decca. Technical Manual Solid State Radars Navkis - TM 1226. Vol 2.
SHP-451. Decca. Technical Manual Solid State Radars TM 616 TM 619 TM 626 TM 629 with 16 in True Motion "Slave" Display.
Decca. Technical Manual RM 314 RM 316 RM 319 RM 326 RM 329.
Decca. Technical Manual RM 314 RM 316 RM 319 RM 326 RM 329 RM 416 RM 419 RM 426 RM 429.
SNP-133. Operating and Service Manual for Gyro Reference System.
The Decca Navigator System.
Decca Marine Radar. Technical Manual D 7 Series.
SNP-78. Instruksjonsbok för Sal-59-2/40 Loggapp. LHSE-2.
Sperry. Instruction Manual Mark XX Gyro Compass. Installation Schedule for Shipyards.
Robertson Tritech. Technical Manual for AP-8M Autopilot.
Sperry. The Sperry Gyro Compass Instructions.
Observator. Repeater Compass Mk IV. Tegninger.
Catalogue of Loran Charts and Publications.
D-X Navigator Loran C. Direct Reading Loran Receiver. Operation and Maintenance Instructions.
D-X Navigator Loran C. Direct Reading Loran Receiver. Cycle Matching. Operating Instruction.
Beskrivelse över centralgyrostatsanläggning.
Anschütz. Gyro Compass Type 110-201, 110-202, 110-203, 110-204. Installation, Initial Operation Tests.
Radaranlegg ombord i norske handelsskip/fiske- og fangstfartøyer.
Navships 91861.42 Maintenence Standards Book for Radar receiving Set AN/SPN-7A.
Decca Marine Radar. Radar Operating Manual Decca 909. Display Unit.
Gyro Flux Gate Compass System. Section 1 Installation. Section II Compensation. Section III Operation.
Arma Brown Gyro Compass. Instruction Manual.
BR2092. Radar for Fleetwork.
Navigasjonsreglement for Kongebåten "Stjernen".
SE-500A-1. Technical Manual. Operation and Maintenance Instructions Model 500A CTFM Scanning and Navigation Sonar.
Marconi. Display Unit Types SD.700 and SD.800. Technical Handbook.
BR1853. Radar manual Volume 1.
BR 268(3C). Chernikeeff Electronic Log.
SNP-64. Description and Instructions for Type Sal-59 marine Log.
SNP-66. Sperry. Compass. Instruction Manual Retransmission Unit.
BR 1983 (ADDM). Handbook for Type 974.
Technical Handbook for Gyro Refernce System. A Combined Heading and Vertcal Refernce System. Volume 2. Vertical Reference Gyro.
Justering, drift og vedlikehold av Logg type FDU-2.
Marconi. Installation Folder Refernce S.I. 88 Vol 1. Coastal Defence Radar S233.
Sperry. Electromagnetic Log MK 2.
SGP 60. Simrad. Ekkolodd Type 125-0404350 Bruks- og Installasjonsveiledning.
Manual of the Brown Type A Compass Equipment.
BR 9. The Admiralty Gyro-Compass (Sperry Type) with Non-Hunting Valve Follow-Up.
BR 1802. Sperry Gyro-Compass Mark XIV mod 1. Service Book.
Sperry. Sperry Gyro-Compass and Gyro-Pilot Manual.
Training Manual Litton Ships Navigators LSN-503 and LSN-506 and Stabilized Gyrocompass AN/WSN-2
SHP- 454. Decca Navigator. Operatørhåndbok og kjedeinformasjon.
SNP 123. Technical Handbook for Gyro Compass Equipment MK 1 Model 5(C).
BR 6503. Electromagnetic Log. General Information.
Anleitung für die Bedienung der E kompassanlagen für Unterseeboote ab U45, Zerstörer 1.16 und M und T Boote. Heft A Vorteil.
Anleitung für die Bedienung der E kompassanlagen für Unterseeboote ab U45, Zerstörer 1.16 und M und T Boote. Heft b Bildteil.
SHP-172.Marconi. Radar Distribution Unit Type SJ.101.
Sperry. Instruction Manual Course Recorders.
Decca. Technical Manual Display 78102/A Power Unit 78103/A Radar Selection Unit 78104/A True Motion Selecto 78105/a Ca 1600.
SHP-111. Micro Fix. Technical Manual STM 1102 Control Measurement Unit Type 90600. Vol 1.
SHP-111. Micro Fix. Technic Manual STM 1103 Microwave Transponder Type 90601. Vol 2.
SHP- Decca technical manual, vol.1
SHP- Decca technical manual, vol.2
The Decca Navigator System.
SHP-451. Decca. Technical Manual Solid State Radars RR 909.
SHP-451. Decca. Technical Manual Solid State Radars Navkis - TM 1226. Vol 1.
Navships900,249-IB. Navy Model YL Radio Beacon Equipment.
Anschütz. Gyrokompasset Standard III og IV Typoe K. Beskrivelse og vedlikehold.
Anschütz. Service Instruction der Kreiselkugel.
Instruction Book Variable Range Marker.
Anschütz-Kreiselkompass K 9061. Beschreibung, Bedienung und Wartung.
Navships 324-0116. Instruction Book Gyro-Compass Mark XIV mod 1.
Decca Marine Radar. Maintenance Manual Decca 808 and TM 909.
Navships 324-0280. Instruction Book Stabilizer Gyro MK 3 Mod 0.
Kort beskrivelse av Sperry Gyrokompass Type Mark XIV Mod 0 - og mod 1. Type Mark E-1 (Minor). Type Mark XX.
Gyroskop og Arma/Brown Gyrokompass. Sal Log MK 1.
Marconi. Radar System S.233 and Aerial Equipment A.100.
Navships900,371-A. Instruction Book for BDI Bearing Deviation Indicator Type CRV - 55149.
Service Manual for Radiomarine Model CR-103 Radar Equipment.
Anschütz. Gyro-compass with Delta-Device.
Decca. Radar type 202. Switching on Procedure.
Decca Marine Radar. Radar Operating Manual Decca TM 707.
Navships324-0275. Synchro Signal Amplifier Types E and F.
Sperry. Sperry Gyro-Compass Mk VIII mod 3.
Instruction Manual for Marconi "Radiolocator IV" Marine Radar Equipment.
Decca Marine Radar. Decca 45. Technical Manual.
SNP-2. Technical Handbook for Repeater Compass MK IV. (Pluss et tillegg).
Decca Marine Radar. Radar Maintenance Manual. Aerial Turning Units. 632 series.
SHP Decca Transar Technical Manual. Relative Motion Radar (12in) Diaplay Unit Type 4803 CA/RI. InverterUnit Type 65114.
Decca Marine Radar Type 12. Technical Manual.
Marconi. Turning Gear Type Sk 100 and Pivot Mount Type 9.
FH 240 Vol II. Radar Equipment C-61. Instruction Manual.
FH 240 Vol III. Radar Equipment C-61. Instruction Manual.
SNP-67. Technical Handbook for Gyro Reference System . A Combind Heading & Vertical Reference (CHVR) System. Volume 2.
SHP-170 og SHP 171.Marconi. Radar Transmitter - Receiver Type SR 800. Technical Handbook.
Sperry. Gyro Mark 14.
Decca Marine Radar 45. Technical and Maintenence Manual.
The Brown Gyro Compass Equipment. Technical Manual.
Sperry. Gyro-Compass XVIII Mod 1.
The Marine Radar Simulator Type 819. Provisional Specification.
SNP-2. Technical Handbook for Repeater Compass MK IV.
SGP 59. Simrad. Ekkolodd Type 125-0404350.0. Serviceveiledning.
Navships 365-2116. Underwater Log Equipment Type RB 80
SNP-2. Technicak Handbook for Repeater Compass MK IV.
Gyro Compass Mark XIV. Mod I.
The Sperry Mark E.1 Gyro Compass. Sperry Minor.
D-X Navigator Loran C. Direct Reading Loran Receiver. Auto Track. Operating Instruction.
BR 2164 (2) Auto-Aligning System Mark 2. Alignment of Plan Displays with Associated Radar Aerials. Figures.
The Marine Radar Simulator Type 819. Description, Operation and Maintenence Handbook.
Radarmätenhet DNR-397-112A.
Furuno. Operators Manual Navigational Echo Sounder Moddel FE-680.
BR 108. The Admiralty Gyro-Compass (Sperry Type) Service Book.
SHP-456 Decca. Loran C DL 91. Operation, Installation and Maintenence Manual.
Sperry. Instruction Book and Parts Manual for the Electromagnetic Log Equipment Mark 2.
SNP-178. SAL-59E. Log System for Naval Ships.
Sperry Gyro Compass Mark XX. Instruction manual.
Handbook for Brown Type b Gyro Compass.
Atlas Ekkolodd Type IV.
Elektriske Logger.
Decca Marine Radar Type 12.
Loran Receiving Equipment Mark 2 Mod 2A. Operators Manual.
Anschütz. Beskrivelse og driftsforskrift for Gyrokompass. Type 207.
Kelvin Huges. Operating Instructions for Marine Radar Type 19/12 & 19/12C.
The Marine Radar Simulator Type 819. Shedule of Factory Test.
BR9. Manual of the Admiralty Gyrocompass (Sperry Type).
Marconi. Display Unit Types SD.700 and SD.800. Technical Handbook.
SNP-124. Motor Alternator Type ACMA 30 A.C. Input.
Decca. Technical Manual TM 616 TM 619 TM 626 TM 629.
Decca. Technical Manual 9 Inch Transar Display Unit.
Terma. Pointer Portable Radar.
Anschütz. Delta Tabellen.
Anschütz. The Anschütz Gyro Compass and its history. Technical Information.
Decca Marine Radar Service Manual.
Navships 324-0116. Instruction Book Gyro - Compass.
Utilization Manual for Demonstrational Gyroscope Device 1-RR-2.
Decca. Radar Operating Manual Decca 404.
Sperry Mark 14.
BR 1085. Regulations for Maintenance of A.B. Marks I-I* Gyroscopes.
Anschütz. Kreiselkompass mit Delta-Gerät. Beschreibung, Betriebsvorschrift.
Anschütz. Converter 132-112.
Anschütz. Kreiselkompass Standard IV.
TM11-1301. Radar Set AN/SPN-5. Technical Manual.
Instruction Book for Synchro Converter Step by Step Type CRV-211201 (MSA).
BR2533. Handbook for Wind Gear.
Marconi. Radar Transmitter - Receiver Type SR 800. Technical Handbook.
Anschütz. Gyroskop-Kompas. Beskrivelse, betjeningsforskrift, vedlikeholdelsesforskrift, fejlskjema.
Anschütz. Gyro-Compass with Delta-Device. Type 110-501, 110-502. Description and Operation. Submarine "Kobbenclass" Typ 207.
Kelvin Huges. Operators Handbook for Marine Radar Type 19/9.
SE-500A/NOR-1. Technical Manual. Operation and Maintenance Instructions Model 500A(NOR) CTFM Scanning and Navigation Sonar.
SNP-76. Sperry. Instruction Book and Parts Manual for the Electromagnetic Log Equipment Mark 2.
Kelvin Huges. Installation Instructions for Navigational Radar Type 1007.
Magnavox. Installation Manual for MX1102 Satelite Navigator.
Observator. Technical Handbook for Repeater Compass Mk IV.
SHP-531. Vol 1. Miniranger Falcon IV Surveyor. Users/Maintenance Manual.
SHP-111. Micro Fix. Technic Manual STM 1103 Microwave Transponder Type 90601. Vol 3.