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Navord Od 10865. Gun Mounts Missile and Rockets launchers, and Projectors.
Bureau of Ordnance
Reol 4-B-3-C.
Washington, 195.
17 s ; 26 cm
L.nr Ar/M 139 (1 eks).
Bureau of Ordnance
6-PDR. S.A. Mark VII Breach Mechanism
5-Inch Pedestal Mount Mark IX, Modification 1 and 5-Inch Mount Mark IX
Die Handfeuerwaffen, ihre Entstehung und technisch-historische Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart.
SW261-T2-MMO-060 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for 4" kanon Knm Arendal, Narvik.
40-mm Automatic Gun M1 40-mm Antiaircraft Gun L/70 in Naval Mounting
Tysk kanonammunisjon f.o.m. 10.5 cm t.o.m. 40.6 cm
3"/50 CAL Technical Manual
TH 9-1005-25/222-15D. Delkatalog Gevær Automatisk 7,62x51, M/59F1 , 1, til 5. linjers vedlikehold
TM 9-1095-25/200-15 D Delkatalog for Pistol,signal 27mm M/walther
SDP 80 Sjømålsgranat M88 127MM SKC/34 I MPL C/34
Ammunisjonsoffiserskurs for Sjøforsvaret
Kanoneksersis U.S .3" - 50 Cal.
SDP 679 Bofors 120 mm Tårnautomatkanon
SDP-611. Technical Manual Penguin Missile System. MK 2 Mod 1 part one Tecnical Description Volume II
SDP-612. Technical Manual Penguin Missile System. MK 2 Mod 1 part one Tecnical Description Volume III
SDP-613. Penguin Missile System Computer controlled Missile Test Station Volume I
SDP-616. Penguin Missile System Computer controlled Missile Test Station Volume IV
SDP-607. Technial Description Penguin Missile Control System MK 2 Mod 1 Volume IV
SDP-609. Technial Description Penguin Missile Control System MK 2 Mod Part three 1 Volume IV
The Sten Gun
SW261-T2-MMO-012 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-T2-MMO-120 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-T2-MMO-012 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-T2-MMO-090 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW394-F1-MMO-050 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-Q2-MMO-090 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-Q2-MMO-100 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-TS-MMO-040 Maintenance manual for Signal data processor MK 17 mod 0
SW261-T2-MMO-010 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-T2-MMO-080 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-TR-MMO-090 Tuned Missile Simulator MK 93 Mod 0
SW261-TS-MMO-050 Maintenance manual for Radar set console MK 83 mod 1
SW261-TS-MMO-030 Maintenance manual for Signal data converter MK80 mods 2 and 3
SDP-685 Simrad TC 10 Thermal Camera
SW394-F1-MMO-050 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-Q2-MMO-090 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-Q2-MMO-140 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-Q2-MMO-130 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SDP-685 Therminal Camera TC 10
SW261-T2-MMO-070 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-TM-MMO-110 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW394-F1-MMO-040 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
Nato Seasparrow projct office instruction 8810.3
SW261-T2-MMO-013 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-Q2-MMO-160 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-T2-MMO-040 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-T2-MMO-050 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW264-D2-MM0-010 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW394-F1-MMO-040 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-M1-MOH-010 MK 57 MODS 2/3 Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System
SW261-TR-MMO-030 Maintenance manual for Director group MK 77 mod 1
SW261-TS-MMO-070 Maintenance manual for firing officer console MK86 mods 2 and 3
SW261-TM-MMO-110 Maintenance manual for Guided missile launching system MK 29 mads 1 through 3
SW261-T2-MMO-020 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SDP-585 Dreibar plattform for 81 mm Bombekaster
SW261-TS-MMO-010 Maintenance manual for Nato seasparrow surface missile system MK 57 mods 2 and 3
SW261-Q2-MMO-110 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-Q2-MMO-150 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW261-TS-MMO-020 Maintenance manual for Digital Computer MK 157 mod 3
Bofors 40 m/m automatkanon L/70 i feltlavett
SW395-F2-MMO-030 Guided missil launching system MK 29 mod 1
SW264-D2-MMO-060 Maintenance manual for Digital computer MK 157 mod 3
The Thompson submachine gun
SW261-T2-MMO-100 Maintenance manual for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 and 3.
SW261-TS-MMO-060 Maintenance manual for Transmitter group MK 73 mod 1
OP 1212. Projectile Fuzes.
OP 178 Description of Five-Inch Guns Mark I to Mark V.
OP 159. 4-Inch Breech Mechanism Mark VIII for Guns Mark IX.
Vickers Mitraljøse Mk. I.
Beskrivelse av Marinens indre kanoner og indre kanongevær.
OP 822. 40 mm Mount Mark 2 and Mods. Description-Operation-Maintenence.
OP 911. 20 mm A.A. Gun 20 MM Machine Gun Mechanism Marks 2 and 4 20 mm Gun Barrels Marks 2,3,and 4 ....
OP 2213. Pyrotechnics and Miscellaneous Explosive Items.
Navord OD 3000. Lubricatio of Ordnance Equipment.
20 mm Lv. Kan. M.38. Våpen. Beskrivelse, Virkemåte og behandling. Del I.
OP 128. Description of the 3-Inch Boat Gun and Mount Mark XIV.
Smith & Wesson revolvere, kaliber .455" og .38".
TM 9-1300-203. Ammunition for Antiaircraft, Tank, Antitank, and Field Artillery Weapons.
3"/50 Loading Machine MK 10 Mod 0. Illustrated Parts Breakdown of Ordnance Equipment.
OP 1042. Ships Smoke Munition. Description and instructions for Use.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for 3"50 Mk 22, 40 mm Bofors a.k. L/60.
SDP 636. Betjeningsforskrifter Penguin Skipsinstallasjon MK 1 Mod 7.
BR 1249. Preliminary Pamphlet for 40-MM Bofors Twin R.P. 50 Mark V Mounting.
SDP 543 Delkatalog for 127MM SKC/34 I MPL C/34
TM 9-2200. Small Arms Materiel and Associated Equipment.
TM 3-350 to 39C-10CBA-1. Improved CBR Protective Shelters.
Beskrivelse av 37 m/m Cal. 50 Halvautomatisk Luftvernkanon M.I. Kanonens hoveddeler.
Bofors. 90mm Breech-Loading Whaling Gun M/46.
Die Panzerlaffeten auf den Schiessplatzen des Grusonwerk.
Marinens nyere Artillerimateriell.
Beskrivelse Hotchkiss`s 6,5 mm lette mitraljøse.
Beskrivelse av 7,5 cm luftvernkanon M/32.
BR 274. Handbook and Drill for 20 mm Oerlikon Machine Gun Marks I, II, II U.S.N. and IV U.S.N. on Marks I, Ia and IIIa Mountings.
OP 813. 20 mm Antiaircraft Gun and Mount Mark 4 and Mark 2. Description.
BR 610. Handbook and Drill for the 3-PDR. Hotchkiss Gun on L.A. and H.A./L.A. Mountings.
BR 611. Handbook for the 4-Inch U.S. 50 Calibre Mark 10 Gun on the 4-Inch U.S. Mark XII, Xii* and XII** Mountings.
Mounts Assembles 20 mm Mounts Mark 2, Mark 2 Mod 1, 2, Mark 4, Mark 4 Mod 1,2,3, Mark 5, Mark 5 Mod 1,3,4, Mark 6,Mark 10 and Mark 10 Mod 1. Description.
BR 847/44. Handbook for 2-PDR Q.F. Mark VIII Gun on Marks VII and VII* P Mountings.
Identification List for Ordnance M.L. 3-IN. Mortar Marks 2,4, and 5 on Mounting 3-In. Mortar Marks 1,2,2* nd 3.
ORD 7 SNL A-50 Organizational Maintenance Allowance for Gun Automatic 40 mm, M1 Carriage Gun 40 mm M2A1 (AA) Mount Gun 40 mm M3 and M5 (Airborne)..
OP 4 (Volume 2). Ammunition Afloat.
Nord-Aviation. Technical Manual. For Remote Control Stick "Ground" Type.
OP 5 (Volume 2). Ammunition and Explosives Ashore. Storage Data.
TM 9-1252. Technical Manual. Ordnance Maintenance Gun and Top Carriage of 40 mm Antiaircraft Gun Material M2.
Instructions 21 cm, 15 cm & 47 mm Guns. "Norge" & "Eidsvold"
Beskrivelse av Kystartilleriets bagladeskyts. Tekst.
Marinens Artillerimateriell 1904. Torpedobaade m.m.
Handbook of the Vickers Rifle Calibre Gun. Light Model.
Vickers Automatic R.C. Gun, class E. for Aeroplanes.
Identification List for B.L. 6-in Marks VII and VIIv Guns on Marks II, IIa and IV* Mountings also Q.F. 3-pr Sub-Calibre Gun and Mark I 1-in Elswick B Aiming Rifle.
Tommy Gun. Rifle and Bayonet.
OP 5 (Volume 2). Ammunition Ashore. Handling, Stowing, and Shipping.
OP 5 (Volume 3). Ammunition Ashore Advanced bases.
OP 100. Assemblies 5-Inch Antiaircraft Mount, Mark XIX and Mark XIX, Mod 1.
OP 549. Inspection and Manufacturing Equipment. Star Gauge Marks I,II&III. Description.
OP 1219. Ammunition Code Catalog Class 5 Small Arms, Machine Gun and Aircraft Gun Ammunition.
OP 811. Assemblies 3-Inch Mounts Mark 20 Mod 1 Mark 21 and Mark 22. (50 Caliber A.A.). Description.
SDP-619. Penguin Missile System Computercontrolled Missile Test Station. Volume VII Program Listings. Binder 3 Section 22 throu 24.
FM 23-7. U.S. Carbine Caliber 0.30 M1, M1A1, M2, and M3.
Katalog 1260-304500 Avstandsklokke og nedslagsmelder C/30.
OD 3000. Lubrication of Ordnance Equipment.
Armeringsoversikt over Knm Fartøyer.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for 40mm Kanon Knm Oslo, Bergen. Stavanger, Narvik.
Det 7,5 cm antiballonskyts. (Feltkanon med platformaffutage).
Beskrivelse av det 7,5 cm bergartilleri-materiell 1911.
Handbook for 4-Inch B.L. Mark IX & IX* Guns on C.P.I. Mountings.
FM 23-5. U.S. Rifle Caliber .30 M1.
BR 2217. Handbook Submarine Pyrotechnics. Part 5.
20 mm Lv.M. Kanon M.38 Lavett. Beskrivelse, virkemåte og behandling. Del II.
Beskrivelse af 105 mm K M/32 Lv.Ka.
Ørlikon Maskinkanon.
Nord-Aviation. Remote Control Box T 10 K 1. Catalogue of spare parts.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte M. Lysgranater.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte R. Temperingsnøkler.
OP 1208. Instructions for the Inactivation, Preservation, Maintenance, and Activation of Ordnance in Vessels in an Inactivate Status.
TH9-1015-25/200-15D. 1 til 5 linjes vedlikehold for Bombekaster 81 mm M/37.
Colt Automatiske Pistol.
Betriebsanweissung für die Machine zum Glätten der Hülsenmündung von 3,7 cm bis 10,5 cm.......
Betriebsanweissung für die Machine zum Bodenausen-Zündschrauenlager und....
Perkusjonsbrannrør nr 151 og 151A.
Håndgranater og geværgranater.
BR 1057. Handbook for the 40 mm Bofors Gun, Naval Water-Cooled Type of British and American Manufacture.
SDP-637. Teknisk Håndbok Penguin Skipsinstallasjon Mk 1 Mod 8. Bind II Betjeningsforskrifter.
Navweps OP 762. Alinement of Ordnance Installations Aboard Ship.
Handbook for the Ordnance Q.F. 40-mm, Mark I on Mountings 40-mm A.A. Marks I, IA, IB, II and III and Platforms 40-mm A.A. Mountings Marks I and II.
BR 1898. Gunnery Manual Volume 1. Ballistic Corrections.
SDP-543. TH SFK/A 801-066. Delkatalog for 127 MM/SKC/28 i MPL C/34.
Mrinens Skyteøvelser 1911.
SDP-619. Penguin Missile System Computercontrolled Missile Test Station. Volume VII Program Listings. Binder 6 Section 43 throu 46.
SDP-619. Penguin Missile System Computercontrolled Missile Test Station. Volume VII Program Listings. Binder 16 Section 43 throu 45.
TM 9-1285. Technical Manual & Ordnance Maintenance Shotguns, All Types.
TM 9-1295. Ordnance Maintenance Cal..45 Automatic Pistol M1911 and M1911A1.
FN Browning Machine Gun Calibre 50 (12.7MM) M2 HB Model and M2QCB Model. Operators Manual.
TH 9-1005-25/206-15D. Delkatalog 1. til 5. linjes vedlikehold for Karabin, 7,62 mm M/98k F1.
Handbook for the Ordnance, Q.F. 40-MM., Mark I on Mountings, 40-mm., A.A., Marks I, IA, IB, II and III and Platforms, 40-MM., Mountings, Marks I and II.
BR 1596. Handbook on Targets. Part I. Surface Targets. Part II. Anti-Aircraft Targets.
Kalibreringsprotokoll indre Kanongevær, div fartøyer, 26 cm, 21 cm, 15 cm, 12 cm.
SDP-357. Nato Puuts II. Introduction Manual for the Model STS-04C/12C Telemetry Tracking System. Volume 1.
SDP-357. Nato Puuts II. Technical Manual Maintenance Instructions for CRT Visicoder Model 1858. Volume 4.
MAE-SS. Teknisk håndbok MAE-SS Målanvisningsenhet Sea Sparrow. Del 3 Koplingslister.
Marinens Artillerimateriell 1920.
Vickers Automatic R.C. Gun, class F. Observers Gun for Aeroplanes.
Tysk beskrivelse av 12,8 cm Lv.Kan. M/40.
Kalibreringsprotokoll 76 mm L/50 MI, 76 mm L/50 MII, 76 mm L/28 MII, 76 mm L/28 MIII, 76 mm L/28 M IV.
Breskrivelse av Fæstningsartilleriets brandrør 1918.
Identificatio List for the Q.F. 6-PR. 10-CWT. Mark 1 Guns on Mark 1 6-Pr. Mountings.
Handbook of the Thompson Submachine Gun. Model 1928.
BR 650. Notes on the .303-Inch Browning Gun Type A, Mark II*.
BR 918/43. Handbook and Drill for the 0.5-Inch Vickers Gun on 0.5-Inch Twin Mark V Mounting.
40 mm Bofors MK. 8* MTG. (Conversion from MK. 3 L.S. Mounting). Production Procedure and Photographs.
Navsea OP 4006 (PMS/SMS) Volume 3. Part 2. Guided Missile Launching System MK 29 Mod 0. Numerical Index.
FM 9-40. Unexploded Bombs Organization and Operation for Disposal.
OP 811. 3-Inch Gun Mounts Mark 20 Modifications, Mark 21 & Modifications, Mark 22 & Modifications.
Betriebsanweissung für die Specialmachine zum Abstechen und ferdigen patronen........
TM 9-1215. Technical Manual & Ordnance Mainteneance Thompson Submachine Gun, Cal..45 M1928A1.
TM 9-252. 40-MM Automatic Gun M1 (AA) and 40-MM Antiaircraft Gun Carriages M2 and M2A1. (Rettelse Nr 1).
Katalog for regnebord C/37.
TM 11-1151. Detector Set AN/PRS-1.
Beskrivelse av Lee-Enfield gevær.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for QF 4,5" kanon Knm Oslo,Bergen, Stavanger, Trondheim.
SW261-T2-MMO-030/(U) Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 2 sand 3. Maintenance Diagrams and Reference Diagrams.
TM 9-2200. Small Arms Materiel and Associated Equipment.
SDP-206 Ammunisjonsrestriksjoner for Sjøforsvaret.
Kanon 105 mm SKC /32
OP 2215. Navy Gun-Type Ammunition.
Mrinens Skyteøvelser 1913..
20 mm Lv.M. Kanon M.38 Rekylmekanisme. Beskrivelse, virkemåte og behandling. Del III.
Navord Od 10865. Gun Mounts Missile and Rockets launchers, and Projectors.
OP 1211. Cyclic Rate Control Mark 2 Mod 1 for the 20 mm A.A. Gun.
Bofors. Diverse kanoner.
Beskrivelse av Sten maskinkarabin.
SDP-357. Nato Puuts II. Introduction Manual M-14G Portable Tape Recorder/Reproduser. Operation and Maintenance Manual. Volume 3.
Benevnelser - Skytset/Marinens Artilleri.
Navsea-06P. Documentation Status Report for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System.
Marinens Artilleri. 3"/50 Cal. Guns & Mounts.
Stykkliste til Colt Automatiske Maskingevær. Kaliber 12,7 mm vannavkjølt. Norske og engelske navn.
Beskrivelse av Colts 12,7 mm vannavkjølte maskingevær.
Beskrivelse av 37 m/m Cal. 50 Halvautomatisk Luftvernkanon M.I.
SS-11 type 5210. Orientering om den trådstyrte panservernrakett.
SDP-206 Ammunisjonsrestriksjoner for Sjøforsvaret.
Mrinens Skyteøvelser 1914.
Mrinens Skyteøvelser 1936..
Data bok for tyske våpen og ammunisjon. 3. Bombekastere.
Die Handfeuerwaffen, ihre Entstehung und technisch-historische Entwicklung bis zur Gegenwart.
Die Gruson`schen Schnellfeuer-Kanonen und deren Laffeten, Munition und ballistische Verhältnisse.
Glock pistol,håndbok for mod.17,17L og 19.
Gamle kanoner. Kanonstøperier og kanonmerkinger. Blyantskrevet notisbok. (Eier ukjent).
Marinens Artillerimateriell 1922.
BR 184/1936. Royal Naval Handbook of Lewis and Machine Guns.
OP 1439. 20 mm A.A. Assemblies( Twin) 20 mm A.A. Gun Mark 20 and mods...
Vorschrift für die Behandlung und Instandhaltung 8,8 cm S.K.L./45 in M.P.L.C/1906 an Bord und ihrer Munition.
Beskrivelse og ekserserreglement for 7,5 cm luftvernkanon M/16.
Technical Manual Thompson Submachine Gun, Cal. .45, M1.
ORD 7 SNL A-50. Gun Automatic, 40 mm M1 Gun Dual Automatic 40 mm M2..... Organizational Maintenance Allowanses.
D 211. Håndbok for 20 mm Oerlikon Automatkanon.
Identification List for Ordnance Q.F. 6-PDR 10 CWT Left Marks I, 1/1, 2 and 2/1 and Ordnance Q.F. 6-PDR 10 CWT Right Marks 1, 1/1, 2 and 2/1 on Mounting 6-PDR Mark 1.
Ammunition. Demonstration March 1954. Record.
OP 988. Bomb Fuzes. Description, Installation, Handling, Stowing, and Shipping.
Bofors.40 mm A.A. Gun L/7o in Naval Mounting SAK 40 n Technical Manual.
Surface Pyrotechnics and Projectors.
Navsea OP 4006 (PMS/SMS) Volume 1. Guided Missile Launching System MK 29 Mod 0. Description and Operation Diagrams.
Navsea OP 4006 (PMS/SMS) Volume 2. Part 2. Guided Missile Launching System MK 29 Mod 0. Fault Oriented Interconnection Diagrams. (FOID).
PMS-1-77. Planned Maintenance System for European Participating Governments Nato Seasparrow Missile System.
Nord-Aviation. Technical Manual of Missile Battery Tester.
Nord-Aviation. Technical Manual for T10K Fire Controller.
Nord-Aviation. "Surface" Type 774 171 Selector. Technical Manual.
OP 1591. Clearing of Live Ammunition from Guns.
OP 826. 20 mm Antiaircraft Gun Mark 4 and Mark 2. Instruction for Mainteance, Stripping, Magazine, Sight, Ammunition, Gun Drill.
Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Anmerkninger.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte H.Pansergranater.
SDP-643. Teknisk Håndbok Penguin Skipsinstallasjon Mk 1 Mod 8.Bind 1. Teknisk beskrivelse.
OP 400. General Specifications for the Manufacture and Inspection of Ordnance Material for the United States Navy.
Betriebsanweissung für die Machine zum reinigen beschossner Patronen......
Betriebsanweissung für die Reinigungstische zum Innen- und Aussenputzen.....
OP 132. Description of the 3-Inch Naval Guns (50-Caliber).
OP 450. 5-Inch Mount Mark XIII including Modifications 1,2 and 3.
Tillegg til Håndbok for 20 mm Oerlikon Maskinkanon Mark I, II, II USN og IV USN.
TM 9-1005-213-25. Organizational, Direct Support, General Support, and Depot Maintenence Manual Including repair Parts and Special Tools List Machine Gun Caliber .50....
BR 226B(45). Establishment of Spare Parts , Tools and Accessories for Gun Mountings 5.25-Inch and below with their Gyro Gun Sights.
Weapons & Armaments of the Modern German Army.
SDP 552. Beskrivelse av 10,5 cm kanon SKC/32 i 8,8 cm MPL C/30 lavett.
BR 226B(45).Establishment of Spare Parts, Tools and Accessories for Gun Mountings 5.25-Inch and Below with their Gyro Gun Sights.
Marinens Artillerimateriell 1909.
CB 4285 (43). Handbook for 4.7-Inch Mark IX**, Q.F.Gun on the 4.7-Inch C.P. Mark XXII Mounting including 4.5-Inch Mark IV Gun on the 4.5-Inch Single Mark V Mounting.
OP 984. 3-Inch Gun Mounts 50 Caliber D.P. Pedestal Type Mark 24 and 24 Mod 1.
OP 1423. Erosion Data Construction, Use and Accuracy.
Navsea OP 4006 (PMS/SMS) Volume 2. Part 1A. Guided Missile Launching System MK 29 Mod 0. MCU Trouble Shooting Guide and State Tables.
OP 2213. Supplement no I to Pyrotechnics and Miscellaneous Explosive Items.
Navsea OP 4006 (PMS/SMS) Volume 3. Part 1. Guided Missile Launching System MK 29 Mod 0. Introduction, Refernce Designation Index and Group Assembly Parts List.
Navsea OP 4492. Missile Simulator Test Set Mark 567 Mod 1. Description, Operation and Maintenance.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte A. Kruttsorter, tennskruer, drivladninger.
Navord OP 1666. Volume 1. German Explosive Ordnance.
TM 9-252. 40-MM Automatic Gun M1 (AA) and 40-MM Antiaircraft Gun Carriages M2 and M2A1.
TM 9-1252. Technical manual & Ordnance Maintenance un and Top Carriage of 40-MM Antiaircraft Gun Material M2.
FM 21-6. Basic Field Manual. List of Publications for Training.
BR 292. Manual for the Maintenance of Naval Ordnance and Gunnery Equipment.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for kanoner Fridtjof Nansen, Frøya, Sleipner, U-båtene A1 og A2, B1-B6, Olav Tryggvason, Æger, Gyller, Tor, Odin, Arendal, Stord, Mtb`er.
Beiträge zur Orientering über Einrichtung, Bedienung und Behandlung des Französischen canon a balles, Mitrilleuse.
BR 1805A. Explanatory Notes and Supplementary Information toDefence of Merchant Shipping Memorandum No 10.
Klassifieringsliste for Ammunisjon/Eksplosiver.
SDP 639. Servicetegninger og Serviceliste Penguin Skipsinstallasjon MK 1 Mod 7.
Beskrivelse av 15 Cm HKL/Bofors.
BR 1847. Håndbok for 40MM Bofors Single Mark VII Mounting.
BR 265/41. Notes on the .3 Inch Marlin Machine Gun.
Klassifiseringsliste for eksplosiver i Kystartilleriet.
SDP-619. Penguin Missile System Computercontrolled Missile Test Station. Volume VII Program Listings. Binder 14 Section 25 throu 33.
SDP-357. Nato Puuts II. System Operation. Volume 7
SDP-210 Del I-IV. Teknisk Håndbok 20 MM Kanon Rheinmetal. Beskrivelse, behandling og vedlikehold.
OP 820. 40MM Anti Aircraft Gun. Descriptio and Operation 40 MM Machine Gun Mechanism Mark 1 Mark 2 , Mark 1 Mod 2 Mark 2 Mod 1. 40 MM Gun Barrel Mark 1. 40 MM Sight Mark 3 and 4.
Navweps OP 2011. Performance and Installation Characteristics Shipborne Ordnance.
OP 1178. Demolition Material.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for kanoner Odin, Tor, Gyller, Balder, Æger. 1o cm Bofors.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for kanoner Harald Haarfagre.
BR 867. Addendum. Handbook for 20 MM Twin Oerlikon Mark V (Powered) Mounting.
ORD SNL B-41. Launcher Rocket 2.36 IN M9, M9A1|, and M18.
Penguins Historie.
BR 866/43. Instruction for the Operation and Maintenance of Lethal Gear for Mark IV Ballons Afloat.
Kongsberg Computers. Technical Manual SM 404 M. Penguin Missile System MK 1 Mod 3.
Lærebok i artilleri,3"US,20mmOE,40mmBof,sikkerhetsreg ETC
Mrinens Skyteøvelser 1915..
Betriebsanweissung für die Geschoss-Streichmachine....
Hinton Wind Corrector.
Identification List for Ordnance Q.F. 40 mm C Mark I on Mounting 40 mm C Mark III also platform 40 mm A.A. Mounting C Mark II.
Bofors. Flak 40 mm L/70 Bofors in Marineeinzellaffete. Technische Handbuch.
Binocular 8x60 with eyepice tube inclined at a 45 angle.
Bofors 3"L/50 TAK 76 N 62
Technical Manual and Ordnance Maintenance Browning Machine Gun Caliber .30, all types U.S. Machine Gun. Caliber .22 and Trainer, Caliber . 22.
FM 23-15. Browning Automatic Rifle Caliber .30 M1918A2.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte B. Brisante sprengstoffer.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte C. Bunnperkusjonsrør.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte I. Sprenggranater.
OP 121. 3-Inch Boat Gun and Mount Mark XIII.
OP 181 5-Inch mark II Case Gun Breech Mechanism.
Liste over våpen som kan bruke felles ammunisjon.
SDP-615. Technical Manual Penguin Missile System. Computer Controlled Missile test Station. Volume III. Functional Diagrams and Schematics.
SDP 74. 3"/50 kanon MK33-34 og 76mm TAK N62 Strids- og øvingsammunisjon.
The New Oerlikon 20 mm Ammunition.
Beskrivelse av 0.303 Colt-Browning maskingevær.
Preliminary Pamphlet for Heaf (V) Machine Gun .303 Inch Mark I.
Nato Seasparrow Technical Information Book. Trouble Shooting Guide.
Madsens 6,5 mm Rekylgevær.
Identification List for B.L. 6-in Marks VII and VIIv Guns on Mark V Maunting also Q.F. 3-pr Sub-Calibre Gun and Mark I 1-in Elswick B Aiming Rifle.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte G.Halvpansergranater.
Ammunisjon. Lagring og sikkerhet.
Merking og lagring av Artilleri Ammunisjon.
TM 9-1981. Military Pyrotechnics.
TM 9-2210 to 39A-5A-6. Small Arms Accidents Malfunctions and their Causes.
Teknisk Ordre Artilleridetaljen. II.
Manual. H & R Reising Submachine Gun.
OP 4 (Volume 1). Ammunition Afloat.
Service of the 4"/50 Gun.
Draft Instructions for use og C:S:A Smoke Apparatus - Types MS 3 and MS 6.
Catalogue over Leather Packings for Gun Mountings.
Beskrivelse av Colts Automatiske Pisltol 11,43 M 1912.
BR 1837. Vocabulary of Naval Armamnet Stores. Part 7 Ammunition,
Betriebsanweissung für die Mechanische Machine für die Kalibrieren beschossner patronen....
OP 165. 4-INCH Mount, Mark XII Including Modifications 1, 2 and 3.
D-550 Beskrivelse av 15cm kanon SKC/28 i 15cm KSt.MPL. C/36 lavett
Marinens Artillerimateriell. Torpedobaade m.m.
Bruksanvisning for sprenggranater Z 34 til Z 120.
MAE-SS. Teknisk håndbok MAE-SS Målanvisningsenhet Sea Sparrow. Del 1 Systembeskrivelse.
Mrinens Skyteøvelser 1916..
Prosjektiler del 2.
The Hotchkiss Revolving Cannon. Description and Illustrations of the systems.
OP 127. Guns. United States Naval Guns their Marks and Mods.
OP 1566. 3-Inch Loader Mark 2 Mods 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 with Gun, Housing and Slide.
40-mm Automatic Gun M1 40-mm Antiaircraft Gun Carriage M2A1 and 40-mm Gun Mount M3.
TH9-1005-25/202-15D. 1 til 5 linjes vedlikehold for maskinpistol 9 mm M/40 og M738. (Schmeisser).
TH9-1005-25/216-12D. Delkatalog for 1. og 2. linjed vedlikehold av Mitraljøse 12,7 mm M2....
SDP-643. Teknisk Håndbok Penguin Skipsinstallasjon Mk 1 Mod 8. Bind 1 Teknisk Beskrivelse.
Beskrivelse af Monitorenes skyts.
Beskrivelse av Kystartilleriets bagladeskyts. Tegninger.
SDP-619. Penguin Missile System Computercontrolled Missile Test Station. Volume VII Program Listings. Binder 13 Section 22 throu 24.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for 3"kanon Odin, Tor, Sleipner, Valkyrien, 4" kanon Haugesund, Tromsø.
SDP 642. Teknisk Håndbok Penguin Skipsinstallasjon MK 1 Mod 7.
SDP-357. Nato Puuts II. Introduction Manual spectrum Analyzer Type 2002M. Volume 5.
SDP-357. Nato Puuts II. Introduction Manual Test Equipment Model 9021 RF Test Box. Volume 6.
MAE-SS. Teknisk håndbok MAE-SS Målanvisningsenhet Sea Sparrow. Del 2 Kretskortunderlag og tegninger.
Sjøforsvarets Våpenregister.
OQF. 40mm. Scedule of Relative Nomenclatures of British Mk. IV L.& R Guns and Americans Mk I and Mk II Guns and Interchageabillity of Parts.
OP 5 (Volume 1). Ammunition Ashore. Handling, Stowing, and Shipping.
Navsea OP 4006 (PMS/SMS) Volume 1. Guided Missile Launching System MK 29 Mod 0. Description and Operation.
Navsea OP 4006 (PMS/SMS) Volume 3. Part 2. Guided Missile Launching System MK 29 Mod 0. Reference Diagrams.
Navord OD 16135. Change no. 1 to Navy Ammunition Logistcs Codes.
SDP-70(A). Teknisk Håndbok-Modifikasjonsbeskrivelse for Nær- og Fjernstyring 40 mm Bofors L/70.
SW 261-H1-MOH-010/MK 57 Mod 0/1. Seasparrow Surface Missile System. Shipyard Overhaul Procedures.
Betriebsanweissung für die Mechanische Machine für die Kalibrieren und gleichzeitigen Rekalibrieren......
Walter. Auto Pistol Model P 38 Cal. 9 mm Parabellum.
TM 9-285. Technical Manual Maintenence Shotguns, All Types.
TM 9-1211. Ordnance Maintenance Cal..30 Browning Automatic Rifle M1918A2.
TM 9-1905. Ammunition Renovation.
OP 1755. Preffered Precision Instrument Components.
SDP-357. Nato Puuts II. Introduction Manual Data Processor. Volume 2.
BR 1245. Addendum No 1 to BR 1245 (43). Handbook for 4.7 Inch Mark IX** Q.F. Gun on the 4.7 Inch C.P. Mark XXII Mounting including 4.5 Inch Mark IV Gun on the 4.5 Single Mark V Mounting for 4.5 Inch R.P. 50 Mark V Mounting.
TM9-1276. Carabines Cal .30. M1, M1A1, M2 and M3.
OP 821. 40 mm Mount Mark 1 and Mods. Description-Operation-Maintenence.
OP 1017. Fuzes for Rockets and Projector Charge.
D 205. Artillerimemoranda.
Tegninger til beskrivelse af 105 mm K M/32 Lv.Ka.
FM 23-35. Pistols and Revolvers.
UD 8-26. Beskrivelse av 40 mm maskinkanon L/60 Bofors.
BR 932. Handbook on Ammunition.
Method of Application of the Nato Code of Colours for the Identification of Ammunition (Exept Ammunition of a Calibre Below 20 mm.
TH 9-1005-25/225-25D. Delkatalog for Gevær, Automatisk 7,62 mm x 51, AG 3.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Forkortelsesregister.
Navsea OP 4006 (PMS/SMS) Volume 2. Part 1. Guided Missile Launching System MK 29 Mod 0. Introduction to Preventive Maintenance and Trouble Isolation.
Navsea OP 4004 (PMS/SMS) Volume 2. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System 57 Mods 0 and 1
Nord-Aviation. Technical Handbook for T10 C.O.F. Tester.
OP 1014. Ordnance Safety Precautions. Their Origin and Necessity.
BR 1837 (1) A-D. Vocabulary of Naval Armament Stores. Part 1. Gunwarf Stores.
Navord OD 16135. Navy Ammunition Logistcs Codes.
D 209. Håndbok for 40 mm Bofors A.K. L/60 Vann og Luftavkjølte typer.
Beskrivelse av ammunisjon til 8,8 cm L/45 SKC/35.
Håndbok Bofors L/70 Sak 40 n 60.
Betriebsanweissung für die Machinen zum Aussen-und Innenreinigen des Mantels.......
Betriebsanweissung für die Machine zum Aussen u. Innreiningen des mantels......
Enfield revolver nr. 2 Mark 1.
Lubrication of Ordnance Materiel.
Håndbok i Antiluftskyts.
Håndvåpen og 20 mm Ammunisjon.
SDP-640. Teknisk Håndbok Penguin Skipsinstallasjon Mk 1 Mod 8. Bind III Servicetegninger og lister.
BR 693. Gunnery Notes for Auxillary War Vessels.
Forenklet brukerveiledning for elektronisk parallakseomregner.
Forenklet brukerveiledning for stasjonær M/76 Lyskaster.
Marinens Artillerimateriell. "Ellida" - "Sleipner".
BR 257. Handbook for the 4-Inch Q.F. Mark XVI* Gun on the H.A. Twin Mark XIX and Single Mark XX Mountings.
BR 1290. Handbook for the 40-mm Bofors Twin, Mark IV* Mounting.
Pakning av Ammunisjon.
SDP-619. Penguin Missile System Computercontrolled Missile Test Station. Volume VII Program Listings. Binder 11 Section 1 throu 10.
Beskrivelse av U.S. Springfield Rifle (Armory Model 1903).
Atlas du Nouveau Matèriel Naval.
40 mm Bristol Bofors 100 MTG. (Conversion from MK. 3 Mod "0"Mounting).Production Procedure and Photographs.
Naweps OP 1631. Ammunition Hazard Classification, Dimensions and Weights.
Teknisk ordre Artilleridetaljen.
4-Inch Pedestal Mounts Mark VIII.
BR 932. Handbook on Ammunition.
Navord OP 1665. British Explosive Ordnance.
TM 9-1900 to 11A-1-20. Ammunition General.
SDP-542. TH SFK/A 801-070. Delkatalog for 150 MM/SKC/28 i MPL C/36.
Beskrivelse av Armstrongs 47 mm h.k. L/46.
Canon Semi-Automatiqe de 75 mm. Schneider & Cie.
BR 970/43. Handbook for 3-Inch 20 CWT. MarkI Gun on C.P. Mark V Mountings.
BR 972. Manual of Gunnry for His Majesty`s Fleet.
Bofors. 20 mm Automatic Gun L/50.
Beskrivelse av 9 mm pistol M/40. Lahti (Husquarna).
Beskrivelse av monitorenes skyts.
Notat om avstandsmåleren "Oslo" klassen.
Det Norske Artilleres Materiel. 1857 - 1879.
Artillerie - Chenille St. Chamond. Canon de 194F. Mortier de 280S sur Affût - chenille St Chamond.
Artillerie - St. Chamond. Matèrielsd`Artillerie a Grande Puissance.
Artillerie St. Chamond. Construction et Essais.
Marinens Artilleri, 40MM Guns & Mount.
Gun Sight Mod MK 29 Mods 0, 1 N4 Repair Parts and Tool.
Die Gruson`schen Schnellfeuer-Kanonen und deren Laffeten, Munition und ballistische Verhältnisse.
Marinens Artillerimateriell 1915.
Vickers-Armstrongs 75 mm mobile Anti-Aircraft Gun and Fire Control Gear.
Beskrivelse av 6,5 mm gevær og karabin.
OP 700. 5-Inch Gun Mounts 38 caliber A.A. Pedestal Type Mark 24 Mod 1,3,6,9,10 and 11.
BR 821(43). Handbook for 4-Inch Mark XIX Gun on the C.P. Marks XXIII, XXIII*, XXIII***, Mountings.
5-Inch Gun Mounts 38 Caliber A.A. Base Ring Type. Mark 30 and Mark 30 Modifications Exept Merchantman Types.
FM 23-7. U.S. Carbine Caliber 0.30 M1 and M1A1.
TM9-1295. Ordnance Maintenance Cal .45 Automatic Pistol M1911 and M1911A1.
TM9-1275. Ordnance Maintenance U.S. Rifles Cal .30. M1, M1C (Snipers) and M1D (Snipers)
ORD 7 SNL B-28. Organizational Maintenance Allowance for Carabine Cal .30 M1, M1A1, M2 and M3.
BR 1837(2). Vocabulary of Naval Armament Stores. Part 2. Details of Assemblies and Gun Identity Sketches.
BR 1919. Handbook for 40 mm Bofors Twin R.P. 50 Mark 5 Mounting.
OP 1995. Firing Panel Mark 33 Mod 0. Description, Operation and Maintenence.
OP 546.Caliber .45 Line-Throwing Gun Mark 1 mod 1 and Associated Equipment. Description, Instructions for use and Maintenence.
OP 2238. Identification of Ammunition.
Nord-Aviation. Technical Manual. Firing Post Tester (with RT Modifications).
TH 9-1005-25/225-25E. Delkatalog Gevær Automatisk 7,62x51, AG 3. Illustrert delliste.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte O. Spreng-branngranater.
Beskrivelse av Tysk Ammunisjon i Kystartilleriet. Hefte E. Tidsbrannrør.
OP 1716. 3-Inch 50-Caliber Loading Machine Mark 9.
Sten maskinkarabin Mark I, II, III.
HFK 9-4-1005-2. Sett, satser og utstyr rekylforsterker for 12,7 mm Mitraljøse.
Oversikt over artillerimateriell for KNM fartøyer.
SDP 76. 105mm kanon SKC/32 Sjømålsgranat M85.
SDP 544. TH SFK/A -801 - 073. Delkatalog for 105 mm SKC/32.
Navweps Ordalt 00 Volume 1. Index to Alterations to Ordnance (Less Aviation).
TM 9-252. 40-MM Automatic Gun M1 (AA) and 40-MM Antiaircraft Gun Carriages M2 and M2A1. (Rettelse Nr 2).
TM 9-1907. Ballistic Data. Performance of Ammunition.
Kalibreringsprotokoll for kanoner Knm Arendal, Narvik, Tromsø,Haugesund, Draug, Garm, Troll.
Beskrivning av 12 cm K. M/24 jämte Lavettage M/24.
Maskingevær M 34. (MG 34).
Maintenance Manual for the Ordonance, Q.F. 40 MM Marks ... and Mountings 40 MM aa.......and Platforms 40 mm aa Marks
OP 820. 40 MM Anti Aircraft Gun. Description and Operation.
SDP 638. Servicetegninger og Serviceliste Penguin Skipsinstallasjon MK 1 Mod 6.