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ALP-11. Multinational Maritime Force (MNMF) Logistics.
Reol 4-H-1-E.
4 avsnitt. ; 30 cm
L.nr Af/R 302 (3 eks).
Forsvarets forsyningskataloger
AEP-13. Vehicle Battlefield Recovery Data.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1981-1982. Volume 1: Products. Section 1-26. Pages 1-638.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1986. Volume 3: Index and Directory.
Navy Stock List of the Electronics Supply Office. Descriptive Supplement Number 1000. Resistors. Number 1110 Electrical Hardware. Number 1900 Brushes, Electrical Contact. Number 1280 Motors AC-DC.
ALP-11. Multinational Maritime Force (MNMF) Logistics.
Bureau of Ships Allowance List. Machinery Allowance Index.
Bureau of Ships Allowance List. Machinery Allowance S61.
Cosmal. Coordinated Shipborne/Shorebased Allownce List for the Guided Missile System Surface Mato Seasparrow MK 57 Mod 0. Seno 5 Hull, Mechanical, Electrical, Ordnance and Electronics.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1989. Volume 2: Products and Services. Section 34-59.
Federal Supply Catalogue. Identifcation List. FSC Class 3110 Bearings, Antifriction, Unmounted.
Knm "Uller" Vol I of III.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1979. Volume 1: Products. Section 1-26. Page 1-614.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1986. Volume 1: products. Section 1-36. Pages 1-746.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1989. Volume 3. Index and Directory.
Navweps OP 1105 (Volume 10). Preservation and Preservation Maintenance of Ordnance Equipment in Shore Storage. Electrical Componets and Equipment.
Federal Supply Catalogue. Identifcation List. FSC Class 6230Electric Portable & Hand Lamps. FSC Group 62 Lighting Fixtures and Lamps.
Federal Supply Catalogue. Identifcation List. FSC Class 5120 Hand Tools, Nonedged, Nonpowered.
Knm "Sauda". Stock Number Sequence List. Addendum.
Cosmal. Coordinated Shorebase Materiel Allownce List for Norway-Nato Seasparrow in support of MK 57-O system. UIC:NSE024.
Cosmal. Coordinated Shipborne/Shorebased Allownce List for the Guided Missile System Surface Mato Seasparrow MK 57 Mod 0. Seno 1. Hull, Mechanical, Electrical, Ordnance and Electronics.
Cosmal. Coordinated Shipborne/Shorebased Allownce List for the Guided Missile System Surface Mato Seasparrow MK 57 Mod 0. Seno 2. Single Director.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1979. Volume 2: Products. Section 27-55. Page 615-1355.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1981-1982. Volume 2: Products. Section 27-56. Pages 638-1384.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1986. Volume 2: Products. Section 34-59. Pages 747-1408.
Navweps OP 1105 (Volume 6). Preservation and Preservation Maintenance of Ordnance Equipment in Shore Storage. Underwater Ordnance.
Navweps OP 1105 (Volume 9). Preservation and Preservation Maintenance of Ordnance Equipment in Shore Storage. Training Devices and Equipment.
NSPO Olss-038PG Revision B. Operational Logistics Support Summary for Participating Gowernments. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile Systems Mk 57 Mods 0,1,2 and 3.
NSPO Olss-038PG Supplement 2ND QTR FY89. Operational Logistics Support Summary for Participating Gowernments. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile Systems Mk 57 Mods 0,1,2 and 3.
NSPO Olss-038PG Supplement 4TH QTR FY89. Operational Logistics Support Summary for Participating Gowernments. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile Systems Mk 57 Mods 0,1,2 and 3.
NSPO Olss-038PG Supplement 3RD QTR FY90. Operational Logistics Support Summary for Participating Gowernments. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile Systems Mk 57 Mods 0,1,2 and 3.
Navsup Publication 4500. Consolidated Hazardous Item List. Storage and Handling.
Navy Stock List of the Electronics Supply Office. FSC 5970 Electric Insulators and Insulating Materials. FSC 9575 Electrcal Hardware and Supplies.
Navy Stock List of the Electronics Supply Office. FSC Group 41. Refrigation and Air conditioning Ewquipment. FSC 4510 Plumbing Fixtures and Accessories.
Federal Supply Catalogue. Identifcation List. FSC Class 3940 Blocks, Tackle, Riggings and Slings.
Federal Supply Catalogue. Identifcation List. FSC Class 5330 Packing and Gasket materials. FSC 5340 High Security Padlocks and Hasps. FSC 5345 Discs and Stones, Abrasive. FSC Group 55 Lumber and Playwood.
Internkontroll for Helse, Miljø og Sikkerhet. Del 1: Systembeskrivelse. Del 2: Generalle bestemmelser.
Bureau of Ships Allowance List. Machinery Allowance S62-64.
DEF 1234. General Requirements for Packing supplies for the Services.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1995. Volume 2 Index and Directory.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1979. Volume 3: Index nd Directory.
NSPO Olss-038PG Supplement 4TH QTR FY90. Operational Logistics Support Summary for Participating Gowernments. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile Systems Mk 57 Mods 0,1,2 and 3. Reviscio C.
BR 320. Catalog of Naval Stores.
Navweps OP 1105 (Volume 8). Preservation and Preservation Maintenance of Ordnance Equipment in Shore Storage. Small Arms and Landing Force Equipment.
NSPO Olss-038PG Supplement 3RD QTR FY89. Operational Logistics Support Summary for Participating Gowernments. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile Systems Mk 57 Mods 0,1,2 and 3.
NSPO Olss-038PG Supplement 1ST QTR FY90. Operational Logistics Support Summary for Participating Gowernments. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile Systems Mk 57 Mods 0,1,2 and 3.
Federal Supply Catalogue. Identifcation List. FSC Class 5110 Hand Tools, Nonedged, Nonpowered.
BR 3000. Marine Engineering Manual.
Knm "Sira". Allowance List. Vol II of II.
Federal Supply Catalogue. Identifcation List. FSC Class 5110 Hand Tools, Nonedged, Nonpowered. FSC 5120 Hand Tools, Nonedged, Nonpowered. FSC 5130 Hand Tools, Power Driven.......
BR 1. Books of Reference Catalogue.
Bureau of Ships Allowance List. Machinery Allowance S45 - S59.
Knm "Brage" Vol I of III.
Navweps OP 1105 (Volume 7). Preservation and Preservation Maintenance of Ordnance Equipment in Shore Storage. Aviation Ordnance.
NSPO Olss-038PG Supplement 4TH QTR FY90. Operational Logistics Support Summary for Participating Gowernments. Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile Systems Mk 57 Mods 0,1,2 and 3.
Federal Supply Catalogue. Identifcation List. FSC Class 5305 Screws. FSC 5306 Bolts. FSC 5310 Nuts and Washers. FSC 5320 Rivets.
Katalog over tauverk og ståltrådtau.
SFP-240. Brukermanual for MSI-DOS System DB7.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1995. Volume 1: Products and Services.
Knm "Brage" Vol III of III.
Knm "Sira". Allowance List. Vol I of II.
Cosmal. Coordinated Shipborne/Shorebased Allownce List for the Guided Missile System Surface Mato Seasparrow MK 57 Mod 0. Seno 3. Hull, Mechanical, Electrical, Ordnance and Electronics.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1981-1982. Volume 3: Index and Directory.
Knm "Sauda". Stock Number Sequence List.
BR 1692. The Storehouse Manual.
Knm "GOR" "Tyr" Vol II of III.
Knm "GOR" "Tyr" Vol I of III.
Knm "Brage" Vol II of III.
Knm "GOR" "Tyr" Vol III of III.
Knm "Uller" Vol II of III.
Cosmal. Coordinated Shipborne/Shorebased Allownce List for the Guided Missile System Surface Mato Seasparrow MK 57 Mod 0. Seno 4 Hull, Mechanical, Electrical, Ordnance and Electronics.
British Defence Equipment Catalogue 1989. Volume 1: Products and Services. Section 1-33.
Navweps OP 1105 (Volume 10). Change 15. ordnance Storage Instruction. Torpedoes and Mines preserving, Shipping and Storing.