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Siemens. Radar Set MPDR 45/1 for Detecting Low-flying Aircraft. Technical Handbook 4, Vol 3.
Siemens Aktiengeselschaft.
Reol 4-C-4-C.
München., 1972.
2 avsnitt ; 29 cm
L.nr Ar/I 259 (3 eks).
Siemens Aktiengeselschaft.
Ildledning Hunt-klassen
Gun Fire Control System Mark 63 Mod 20 for Control of 4-inch Mark 16 Guns.
Radar - type FCA 1 Instruction book
ST 890-MO-HBK-010 Users Handbook for System Evaluation Trainer MK 16 mod 2Mod 2. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams.
SW 264-D2-MMO-050 Maintenance manual for Digital computer Mk 157 Mod 3
Betjeningsreglement for ildledningssystem D1, D2 og D3.
H.20. Beskrivelse av skyteradar FCA-1.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Control System Mk 91 Mods 0 and 1. Introduction and General Description Diagrams.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Radar Console Fault Oriented Interconnection Diagrams (FOID).
OP 1222. Gun Order Corrector MK 2 Mods 0 and 1.
Navpers 10177. Fire Control Technician & Chief. Vol 2. Navy Training Courses.
SHP-525. Vol 4. Command Tactical Console. Technical Manual. Parts Catalogue.
H.Dv 448/2. Beobachtungs- und vermessungsgerät. Heft 3Zielfernror.
BR 1592. Handbook for the Simple Tachometric Director Mark I.
OP 1695. Gun Fire Control System Mark 63 Three Gyro Mods. Description, Operation, Shipboard Maintenance and Tests.
UD 18-57. Beskrivelse av Peileinstrument med Telleverk.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M/225 - 29 No. Volume 1 Part 1 General Description.
ST890-MO-HBK-010 Revision 1. Users Handbook for System Evaluation Trainer (SEAT) MK 16 Mod 0/1.
SHP-525. Vol 1B. Command Tactical Console. Technical Manual.
BG 14 Vol III. Terne III Antisubmarine Weapon System. Mark 3 Mod I. Handbook. Sect.V: Preventive Maintenance. Sect.VI: Corrective Maintenance.
Siemens. Radar Set MPDR 45/1 for Detecting Low-flying Aircraft. Technical Handbook 4, Vol 2.
SHP-162.Penguin Missile Systems. Program Description.
Marconi.SHP-135. IFF Mk 10 Control Equipment. Technical Handbook.
SHP-160.Penguin Missile Systems. Part 1 System Descriptions.
IB1361(MSA)Technical manual for decoder group AN-UPA-24A(MSA)
IB1361(MSA)Technical manual for decoder group AN-UPA-24A(MSA)
Direktiver for ildledelsen . Marinen 1905.
Navalex 0967-LP-459-2010. Technical Manual for Decoder Groups AN/UPA-59A(V1) and AN/UPA-59A(V)2.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Radar Console Fault Oriented Interconnection Diagrams (FOID).
Beskrivelse og betjeningsreglement for avstandsmåler 4 m stereo M40.
OP 1449. Boresights and Boresights Telescopes.
Navship 91556(A) (MSA). Instruction Book for Radar Test Set AN/UPM-4A(MSA).
IB 1360 (MSA). Technical Manual for Video Coder Group AN/UPA-38(MSA).
D 507(A) del II. Beskrivelse av ildledningssystem B for kystartilleriets 15 cm, 12,7 cm og 10,5 cm batterier. Del II detaljbeskrivelse av komponenter.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 1 Part 5 Instruction for Installation.
SW264-D-2-MMO-020. Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 2. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams.
OP 105. Optical Equipment. Range Finders. Care and Operation.
Preliminary Instructions for the Air power Unit of the Mark 14 Gun Sight.
OP 1777. Maintenance Manual for Radar Equipment Mark 26 Mod. (RCA) and Mod. 4 (G.E.).
Navsea-O6P. Documentation Status Report for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System.
OP 1140A. Basic Fire Control Mechanism: Maintenance.
OP 1098. Gun Sight Mark 15.
Navship 93650. Instruction Book for Video Coder Group AN/UPA-38.
Testutrustning for TORI. Antenne.
OP 467. Fire Control Equipment. Stabilzes Director Sight Mark II and Mark II Mod 1. Description.
SDP 545 Del IX. Håndbok for ildledningssystem G.(Bodil). Programbeskrivelse.
SHP-525. Vol 1A. Command Tactical Console. Technical Manual.
SHP-525. Vol 1. Command Tactical Console. Ships Handbook.
BR 1638. Handbook for the Mark 6 Director. Part 1A.
Demodulator vsc 95/3.
Marconi. Norway I.F.F. Mark 19.
Directory of German Radar Equipment.
WM 22/5 - 29 N - Book 2.
Beskrivelse og betjeningsreglement for Centralsikte M/35 B.
OD 4429. Gun Sight Mark 14 Mod 2,3 and 4. Operators Manual.
Beskrivelse og betjeningsinstruks 6 meter Stereomåler.
Notes for Electrical Officers on Tuning & Testing of Fire Control Systems.
OP 1717A.Gun Sight MK 29 Mod 1 and Cross-Roll Rate Computer of Gun Fire Control System MK 63 Mod 11. Overhaul manual.
Navpers 10174. Fire Control Technician 2. Navy training Courses.
Navpers 92234. Adjustments procedure for Gun Fire Control System MK 63. Technicians Guide for Fire Control technician training.
Marconi.SHP-137. Arial Array Type 4992 and Transformer Unit Type 6428. Technical Handbook.
SW264-D-2-MMO-010. Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 2. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams.
Navships 91467(A) (MSA). Instruction Book for Radar Test Set AN/UPM-6B. (MSA).
BR 1580(2). Handbook for Types 282/3/4/5. Part 2. Display Equipment. Maintenence and Appendices.
SFP 270 Del IV. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. Hovedenheter og spesialenheter.
Thomson.SHP-253. Microwave Switch (CIL1) Volume 1 Installation Manual.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Referance Diagrams Continued 2891843-2331113.
Navsea OP 4007. (PMS/SMS). Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 0. Description and Operation.
TM 9-1672. Ordnance Maintenance Electrical Testing Apparatus for Fire Control Equipment.
OP 1154. Radar Equipment Mark 26 Mods 3 and 4.
OP 1233A. Gun Fire Control System Mark 63. Schematic Diagrams.
OP 1323. Gun Fire Control System Mark 57. Description and Theory of Operation.
Handbook. Description and Function Ordalt to Fire Control Box VI*
Navship 93876(A). Technical Manual for Decoder Group AN/UPA-24A.
Navpers 10174-A. Fire Control Technician 2. Navy Training Course.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 1 Part 2 Book 3 Technical description and design.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 4C arts List. (electr. parts).
SDP 545 Del I-VII. Håndbok for ildledningssystem G.(Bodil). Teknisk håndbok.
BR 1842. Technical Handbook for Sight, Type 6, Mark 2 and Associated Control Equipment.
BG 14 Vol V. Terne III Antisubmarine Weapon System. Mark 3 Mod I. Handbook. Sect8: Parts List.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Control System Mk 91 Mods 0 and 1. Detailed Mode Description Diagrams.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Radar Console Fault Oriented Interconnection Diagrams (FOID).
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control Systems Mods 0 and 1. Power Distribution Diagrams.
Navsea OP 4036 (PMS/SMS). Siganal Data Converter Mk 80 Mods 0 and 1. Parts Breakdown.
Handbook of Artillery Instruments and Range-Finders.
OP 1700. Standard Fire Control Symbols.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Control System Mk 91 Mods 0 and 1. Fault Isolation and Detection (FID) Description.
Siemens. Radar Set MPDR 45/1 for Detecting Low-flying Aircraft. Technical Handbook 2.
TR 18-51b. Følgeviseranlegg (Synkro-Anlegg) i Kystartilleriet. Figurhefte.
Navships 91467(A). Instruction Book for Radar Test Set AN/UPM-6A and Radar Test Set AN/UPM-6B.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 4a Corrective Maintenance.
Navsea OP 4007. (PMS/SMS). Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 0. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams.
D570. Del II. KV-KA/C- Anlegg. Teknisk beskrivelse med vedlikeholdsforskrifter.
D570. KV-KA/C- Anlegg. Bruksanvisning. Kryssreferanseliste. Gruppespesifikasjon HGR03, -04,-5,-06,-07,-08,-09,-22,-23-og 38.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Control System Mk 91 Mods 0 and 1. Fault Isolation and Detection (FID) Description.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Control System Mk 91 Mods 0 and 1. Fault Isolation and Detection (FID) Diagrams.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Control System Mk 91 Mods 0 and 1. Radar Target Data Prosessor Fault Oriented Interconnection Diagrams (Foid).
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Introduction. Group Assembly Part List - Continued.
Navsea OP 4007. (PMS/SMS). Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 0. NSSMS Computer Program Assembly Listing.
Navsea OP 4007. (PMS/SMS). Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 0. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams.
Navsea OP 4007. (PMS/SMS). Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 0. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams.
OP 460. Fire Control Equipment. Ford Range Keeper, Mark II. Care and Operation.
Navsea OP 4036 (PMS/SMS). Siganal Data Converter Mk 80 Mods 0 and 1. Description and Operation.
Navsea-O6P. Documentation Status Report for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System.
UD 18-233. Prinsipper for elektriske innretninger som brukes til regneoperasjoner.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Transmitter Fault Oriented Interconnection Diagrams (FOID).
D570. Del III Volum I. KV-KA/C- Anlegg. Bruksanvisning. Kryssreferanseliste. Gruppespesifikasjon HGR01
H.Dv 448/2. Beobachtungs- und vermessungsgerät. Heft 2; Entfernungsmesser.
H.Dv 449/2. Behandeln, Untersuchen und Instandsetzen des Beobachtungs- und Vermessungsgerät. Teil 2 Untersuchen.
Navord OD 4424. Gun Director Mark 51 mod 2. Operators Manual.
Sperry. OD 4369. Gun Sight Mark 14 Mods. 6,7,8,12,13 and 14. Overhaul Manual.
OP 1233. Gun Fire Control System Mark 63 Mods 0,1,3,4,5 and 6.
Shop Test for R:D:F Tallboy Equipment training Control Unit Mark III Mod 0.
OP 1787. Instruction Book for Radar Equipment Mark 34 Mod 3 and 4.
OP 1682. Relay Transmitter MK 13 Mod 0 and Amplifier MK 37 Mod 0.
OP 1546. Computer Mark 17. Overhaul Manual.
Beskrivelse av peileinstrumenter.
OP 1791. Instruction Book for Radar Equipment Mark 34 Mood 6.
OP 1876. Volume 2. Radar Equipment Mark 34 Mods 3,6 and 16. Operators` Maintenance, Preventive Maintenace, Corrective Maintenance. and Spare Parts List.
HA/LA Director Mark 6. Specification and Detailed Instruction for Testing Sub Assembly Units.
Navpers 92234. Volume 3. Radar Equipment AN/SPG-34 & MK 34 Mod 17. Trainees Guide for Fire Control Technicans Training.
Navpers 10173. Fire Control Technician 3. Navy training Courses.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 1 Part 3 (BookII) Components description.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 5 Spare Parts and Special Tools.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Introduction. Reference Dedsignation Index, and Group Assembly Part List.
Navsea OP 4053 (PMS/SMS). Part 2. Low Light Televisison System MK 6 Mod 0. Maintenence and Parts List.
Navships 93738.42. Maintenence Standards Book for Radar Recognition Set AN/UPX-1 and AN/UPX-1A.
FH5. Operering av radar 291.
BR 1638. Handbook for the Mark 6 Director and Associated Equipment. Part 1B. Technical Handbook for the Mark 6 Director.
BR 1638. Handbook for the Mark 6 Director and Associated Equipment. Part 12.
Handbook for Metric Posistion Finder Type A 1087.
Beskrivelse av avstandsmåleinstrumenter.
OP 2132 (Vol 2).Radar Set AN/SPG-34 and Radar Equipment Mark 34 Mod 17. Maintenence.
SFP 270 Del I. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. Beskrivelse og betjeningsforskrifter.
SFP 270 Del V. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. B-enheter og C-enheter.
SFP 270 Del VII. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. Ildledningshåndbok og Radarhåndbok.
BG 14 Vol II. Terne III Antisubmarine Weapon System. Mark 3 Mod I. Handbook. Sect.III: Betjening. Sect.IV: Operatørens vedlikhold.
Navpers 10164-A. Fire Control Man. Volume 2. Navy Training Courses.
CB 4384(I). Handbook for Types 282/3/4/5. Part I. Transmitting Arial and Receiving Equipment.
FCA1. Radar Equipment.
OP 1876. Volume 1. Radar Equipment Mark 34 Mods 3,6 and 16. Description, Theory, Installation and Adjustments and Operation.
D 507(A) del I. Beskrivelse av ildledningssystem B for kystartilleriets 15 cm, 12,7 cm og 10,5 cm batterier. Del I oversikt og prinsipp, beskrivelse og vedlikehold.
Direktiver for ildledelsen . Marinen 1906.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 1 Part 4 Program description.
SHP-115. Sperry Marine. Rascar Radar/ARPA Sevice Manual.
OP 494. Optical Equipment. Directoscope Periskopes Marks XIII and XIV. General description With Notes on Care and Handling.
Navair 01-265GMAF-1. Technical Manual Operation Checkout Instructions Organizational-Intermediate Maintenance Guided Missile Sparrow III.
Prosjekt KV - KA/C Anlegg.
SDP 545 Del X. Håndbok for ildledningssystem G.(Bodil). Generell beskrivelse med betjeningsforskrifter.
Technical Manual Control Transponder set C-6280(P)/APX, C-6280A(P)APX, C-6717/APX & C-7483/APX. Change No 1.
Siemens. Radar Set MPDR 45/1 for Detecting Low-flying Aircraft. Technical Handbook. Part 1 Operation. Part 2 Maintenance.
Siemens. Radar Set MPDR 45/1 for Detecting Low-flying Aircraft. Technical Handbook 4, Vol 1.
Instruction Book for Indicator IP-41. volume 1 of 2.
BG 14 Vol I. Terne III Antisubmarine Weapon System. Mark 3 Mod I. Handbook. Sect.I: Introduction. Sect.II: Theory of Operation.
SHP 136. Marconi. Norway I.F.F. Mark 10 Technical Handbook.
Ringsikte M/61 for 40 mm LVKAN. Beskrivelse og bruk. (Med innføring i det teoretiske grunnlag).
SDP-71 400 Hz Kraftforsyning for A/D Konverter.
SDP-742 Vol.3 Teknisk Hånbok for 713-132 Ildledningssystem D Doris
OP 1043A. Illustrated Parts Catalogue for Gun Sight Mark 18 and Mods.
Sinusoidal Motion and Consstant Speed Transmitter vsc 88/7.
BR 913(1). Handbook for the Fuze Keeping Clock and Associated Equipment. Introduction. (Perm inneholdende CB 4028, CB 4028(3),CB 4028(4), o BR 913(9) ).
Veiledning i Ildledelse ved infanterikompani mot mål på jorden.
Siemens. Radar Set MPDR 45/1 for Detecting Low-flying Aircraft. Technical Handbook 3, Vol 1.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Control System Mk 91 Mods 0 and 1. Introduction to Planned Maintenance and Trouble Isolation.
BR 1205. PreliminaryPamphlet for the Gyro Gun Sight Type 6 Mark II.
Navships 900,848. Instruction Book for Radar Equipment Mark 34 Mod 2.
OP 1233. Supplement to OP 1233 Gun Fire Control System Mark 63 Mods 6 and 12. Alignment Instruction.
OP 1655. Train Parallax Corrector MK 5 Gun Order Corrector MK 3 and Amplifier MK10.
D570. KV-KA/C- Anlegg. Beskrivelse og Betjeningsforskrifter. (Kortfattet).
IB-740(MSA). Instruction Book for Antenna Groups AN/UPA-22A(MSA), AN/UPA-23A(MSA) and AN/GPA-24A(MSA).
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 4B Service Diagrams.
D570. KV-KA/C- Anlegg. Bruksanvisning. Kryssreferanseliste. Materielliste B-skop.
SFP 270 Del IX. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. Måleutstyr.
D 500. Beskrivelse og betjeningsreglement for avstandsmåler 1,5 m stereo 11 x forstørrelse.
Instruction Book for Indicator IP-41. Volume 2 of 2. Schrematic Diagram and Trouble Shooting Aids.
Navsea-O6P. Documentation Status Report for Nato Seasparrow Surface Missile System.
BR 1645. Fire Control Drill for the medium Range System Mark 7.
BR 1555. Handbook for Type 291. Part II.
Navships 91765. Instruction Book for Radar Recognition Set AN/UPX-1 A.
OP 420. Cory Range and Deflection Instruments Mark V, VI, and VII.
Thomson.SHP-254. Microwave Switch (CIL1) Volume 2 Instruction Manual.
Plotting Table Attachment Type NX 21309. Drawings.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 2 Operation, Volume 3 Preventive Maintenance.
SW264-D-2-MMO-030. Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 2. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams.
BRCN 2601. Instruction Book for the AN/SPA-4A Range Azimut Indicator.
SFP 270 Del II. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. Konstruksjon, funktion og vedlikehold.
BG 14 Vol IV. Terne III Antisubmarine Weapon System. Mark 3 Mod I. Handbook. Sect7: Diagrams.
Marconi Manual. Technical Handbook IFF Mark 10 System.
Avstandsmåleinstrumenter. Del II. prinsipp for oppbyggingen av sterotopiske avstandsmåleinstrumenter.
OP 1787. Supplement No 1 to Instruction Book forRadar Equipment Mark 34 Mod 3 and 4.
Navship 91836(A) (MSA). Instruction Book for Radar Identification Set AN/UPX-5 (MSA).
Justering og orientering av Sipa-korrektøren.
Navships 91343.41. Maintenence Check off Book for Radar Recognition Set AN/UPX-1 and AN/UPX-1A.
SDP-742 Vol 2 Teknisk Håndbok for 713-132 Ildlednings system D Doris
Direktiver for ildledelsen. Marinen 1911.
Marconi.SHP-138. Test Set Radar 4339. Technical Handbook.
Navsea OP 4007. (PMS/SMS). Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 0. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams. Parts Breakdown.
SHP-161.Penguin Missile Systems. Cabling and Wiring.
General Description of the Barr & Stroud Mounting Type M.H. 37 (Modified) for Rangefinder Type F.D.1s.
Beskrivelse og betjeningsinstruks for Langbasismåleren med grafisk side- og lengdefartskorrektør.
Navpers 10176. Fire Control Technician & Chief. Vol 1. Navy Training Courses.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 1 Part 2 Book 2 Technical description and design.
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 1 Part 3 Book 1 Components description.
BR 1638. Handbook for the Mark 6 Director and Associated Equipment. Part 9.
TR 18-51a. Følgeviseranlegg (Synkro-Anlegg) i Kystartilleriet.
MDAP Equipment & Stock Spares for GS-15849 Radar Set AN/SPG-34.
OP 438. Optical Equipment. Bore-Sight Telescopes Marks VIII, IX and XIII Including their Modification. general Description.
Technical Manual Control Transponder set C-6280(P)/APX, C-6280A(P)APX, C-6717/APX & C-7483/APX. Change No 4.
Ildledelse for handelsfartøyer.
OP 582. Antiaircraft Gun Mount Telescopes.
Infanteriets Lyskaster M/1916. Beskrivelse og instruks for lyskasterens bruk.
Beskrivelse av Avstandsforandringsindikator M.VIII.
BR 1555. Handbook for Type 291M. Part 1.
OP 1140. Basic Fire Control Mechanism.
Navpers 10162. Fire Control technician 1 & C. Vol 3. Navy Training Courses.
Zero Position Indicator. vsc 33/14.
Handbok i ildledningsteknikk. Generelt.
E 252. Handbok i ildledningsteknikk. Beskrivelse av enheter serie B.
Navsea OP 4053 (PMS/SMS). Part 1. Low Light Televisison System MK 6 Mod 0. Description and Operation.
Siemens. Radar Set MPDR 45/1 for Detecting Low-flying Aircraft. Technical Handbook 4, Vol 3.
BR 1580(3). Handbook for Types 282/3/4/5. Part 3. Diagrams.
SDP 545 Del VIII. Håndbok for ildledningssystem G.(Bodil). Delkatalog.
OP 1221. Train Paralax Corrector MK 2 Mods 1 & 2.
OP 1747. Gun Fire Control System Mark 63 Mod 11. Overhaul.
Sperry. Gun Fire Control System MK 63 Mod 20.
Kari Radar. Radar 9GR606.
SFP 270 Del VI. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. D-enheterog Radarenheter.
Siemens. Radar Set MPDR 45/1 for Detecting Low-flying Aircraft. Technical Handbook 3, Vol 2.
Navsea OP 3515 (PMS/SMS). Input/Output Console Mk 77 Series. Description, Operation and Maintenance.
Navsea OP 4036 (PMS/SMS). Siganal Data Converter Mk 80 Mods 0 and 1. Maintenance.
D570. KV-KA/C- Anlegg. Servicetegninger.
D570. Del III Volum II. KV-KA/C- Anlegg. Bruksanvisning. Kryssreferanseliste. Gruppespesifikasjon HGR02.
Navsea OP 4007. (PMS/SMS). Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 0. Trouble Isolation and Reference Diagrams.
BR 912. Director Handbook.
OU 6246. Manual of Gunnery (Volume III) for His Mjestys Fleet.
BR 913. Handbook of the Fuzekeeping Clock and Associated Equipment. The Rangefinder Direktor Marks IIW IIIW.
BR 295. Handbook for Naval Rangefinders and Inclinometers. Volum 1. General.
OP 1789. Target Acquisition Unit MK 2 Mod 2.
Gun Fire Control System Mark 63 Mod 20 for Control of 4-inch Mark 16 Guns.
BR 268(2). Plotting Tables. A.R.L. Type.
SW264-D-2-MMO-010. Digital Computer MK 157 Mod 2. Description and Opeeration.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Referance Diagrams 2888431-2891794.
Navsea OP 4005. (PMS/SMS). Guided Missile Fire Control System Mods 0 and 1. Numerical Index.
WM 22/5 - 29 N - Book 1.
Navsea OP4079. Computer Programs.
SHP-460. Electro-Optical Systems. V-00-0084-01/02/04 Television System.
Beskrivelse og ekserserreglement for 3 meters høydemåler.
Afstandsmaaling i Søværnet.
Beskrivelse av stereoskopiske avstandsmåleonstrumenter. Del 2 hefte 2.
OP 1895. Characteristics of Naval Fire Control Radar.
IB 1368 (MSA). Technical Manual for Transponder Set AN/UPX-12, AN/UPX-12A, AN/UPX-12B and AN/UPX-12(MSA).
Description and Operational Instruction Fire Control Equipment Type M22/5 - 29 No. Volume 1 Part 2 Technical description and design.
SHP-525. Vol 2. Command Tactical Console. Technical Manual. Drawings.
BRCN 2601(1). Instruction Book for the AN/SPA-4A Range Azimut Indicator. Operation.
SFP 270 Del III. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. Skjemaer.
SFP 270 Del VIII. Håndbok for våpenkontrollsystem TORI. Delkatalog.
OD 931. Optical Equipment. range Finder Mark XXVIII Mod 1 for Destroyers.
Marconi Manual. Test Set Radar 4339.