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Tittel:Handbook of torpedo heads and pistols
Signatur:BR 1697 / 1936 - 1955 Boks 194
Utgitt: ? : Command of their Lordships, 1936 - 1955
Omfang:15 hefter - ill
Serie:Teknisk Håndbok
Emneord:Marinen / Miner / Pistoler / Sjøforsvaret / Torpedoer
Note:Denne perm inneholder flg. hefter:
Hefte 1 - High explosives and their effects under water
" 2 - Warheads
" 3 - Collision heads
" 5 - A.W. & S.F. Pistols and primers
" 6 - The type 3, nose impact pistol
" 7 - Hydrostatic blowing head
" 8 - Pioneers and associated primers
" 10 - 18 Inch duplex, warheads and pistols
" 11 - 21 Inch duplex warheads and 21 inch duplex "impact only" pistols
" 12 - Blowing heads " K " type and those operated by air vessel blowing valve
" 13 - C.C.R. " Impact only " pistol
" 14 - The theory of the C.C. R. pistol
" B.R. 1732 Regulation for maintenance of 21-IN. C.C.R. Impact only pistols 1946
Eksemplar:1. (1 tilgjengelige)

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